Eating at night

I have a problem with getting up and eating in the middle of the night. The biggest thing is, I do not realize I am doing it until after it is to late. I wake up and eat sweets and I cant stop. I do so good with eating during the day adn ruin it at night. Then I wake up the next morning feeling really crappy! Im bloated, upset stomach, just overall crappy feeling. I often wake up and feel like I have a ave a hangover, but I dont.

I really need to fight this and dont know how. I have tried Casein shake and a few other things right before I go to bed and I still do it. I have even made me a healthy snack and sat it by my bed hoping I will grab that and I dont. Right to the kitche I go everytime. I have moved stuff around from its ordinary spots but I always seem to find it. This is really starting to bother me a lot!
Help please!!!!


  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member

    The alarm goes off when you open the door, hopefully it will wake you up.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    sounds like you need to get rid of the junk so you can't get into it. I've had my husband hide stuff from me and only give me some on occasion.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Hmm sounds kinda like a mental hurdle. This might sound a little unorthodox but I listen to Kelly Howells sacred body guided meditation with my ipod (you need headphones to listen to this cd) I listen to it at night and drift off to sleep to it. Basically she repatterns your brain with healthier suggestions, its very relaxing and it might help you worked for me but my night eating problems were right before bed. Good Luck
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    I have occasionally have done this and it is chocolate that I crave its really weird. My suggestion is to get the sweets out of the house or maybe and some sweets into your diet :)
  • wannabalozer
    If it's that much of a problem where you skip the good stuff next to your bed and head straight in for the bad stuff, I'd get it out of my house completely. Set yourself up for success by not having it around in the first place.

    I completely understand the sweet tooth - there is sweets drawer in my kitchen but I can stay away from it. I think because in the beginning I got in the habit of no junk at all. Perhaps you can put a lock on it (pantry, drawer, etc) and give someone else in your house the key? :)
  • wannabalozer
    What bobie1978 said.

    Could be a deprived-so-I'm-gonna-rebel feeling.
  • fruittart7
    Buy a padlock and put it on your fridge or cupboard or wherever the junk food is every night before you go to bed. :) Or just throw all of the junk food out because its not good for you anyway
  • avalacrosse
    Never deprive yourself! This happens when you don't eat frequent meals a day and don't get satisfied. This is why they have the saying:

    "Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Princess, and dinner like a beggar."

    Having a big breakfast stops you from over-indulging. For me, when I crave something, I make a healthy alternative.
    Craving reeses? I make a chocolate protein smoothie with almond milk and a tbsp of PB.
    Craving pizza? Pita pizzas do the trick!
    See where I'm heading? Indulge everyday but indulge HEALTHY. There's alternatives to everything.
  • llovegrove
    llovegrove Posts: 94 Member
    Its not so much that its all junk food, thats another bad part! Like last night it was Cinnamon adn Raisin PB&Co Peanut Butter adn Almonds.....sometimes its Granola Bars, or walnuts...etc...I really dont keep a lot of junk in my house. I do have some things but that is because I do have an 8 year old and I dont want to deprive her of everything. I will say that I dont eat a lot of calories during the day, and I am always trying to make up for them in the evening which is hard to do. I have tried many time sto increase my calories during the day so I dont have to do tha tbut its hard.
    What I dont get is I am not hungry when I do this and that I dont know I am doing it and when I realize what I am doing I can not stop myself from doing it. I even told my fiance if he heres me get up to stop me but he sleeps to hard! lol Then I get mad at him the next day for not hearing me get up....but its not his fault at all.
  • avalacrosse
    But, you have to remember: Sometimes too much of a good thing IS bad.
    Make a smoothie with protein that will get you a sweet fix before bed
  • avalacrosse
    Like I said, eat a big breakfast. That should be your biggest meal of the day. :)
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Maybe if you know you're going to do it, prepare yourself a healthy snack and stick it in the fridge before you go to bed. Carrots, celery sticks, maybe a small piece of cheese or some nuts....then that way it will already be portioned out and accounted for so that you don't overdo it.