Question for all the mommies out there

I'm mommy to three young children and after they go to bed (8pm) and until I go to bed (11ish) I struggle so much with snacking. I'm doing outstanding with exercise and throughout the day I keep track of what I am eating, usually making healthy choices. BUT, as soon as kiddos are in bed I don't want to do anything that resembles work lol. All I want to do is sit and watch some tv or wander aimlessly on the internet. Consequently, I find myself snacking a lot and totally overdoing it. I'm maintaining my weight instead of losing it.

How do you combat late night snacking, and if you do snack, what snacks are you choosing that pack a lot of punch for very few calories? I wish I was one of those high energy moms that feels the need to obsessively clean everything after the kids go to bed, but that is not me. lol After a day of dealing with 3 kids under 4 years all I want to do is veg!


  • DakotaCowboyMom
    I sometimes snack and when I do I pop a bag of 100 cal microwave popcorn or I snack on fruit & string cheese. I don't obsessively clean either I am like you and veg out once they are in bed. Good Luck!!!
  • SarahAlt
    SarahAlt Posts: 44
    cereal! I eat cereals with whole or multi grains like honey bunches of oats or cheerios. It's not too filling, low fat, low sugar, and satisfying. I also read somewhere that people who eat more cereal have lower body fat. But I try really hard not to snack at night. I always check my calories after dinner to be prepared, just in case.
  • change_happens
    I'm mommy to three young children and after they go to bed (8pm) and until I go to bed (11ish) I struggle so much with snacking. I'm doing outstanding with exercise and throughout the day I keep track of what I am eating, usually making healthy choices. BUT, as soon as kiddos are in bed I don't want to do anything that resembles work lol. All I want to do is sit and watch some tv or wander aimlessly on the internet. Consequently, I find myself snacking a lot and totally overdoing it. I'm maintaining my weight instead of losing it.

    How do you combat late night snacking, and if you do snack, what snacks are you choosing that pack a lot of punch for very few calories? I wish I was one of those high energy moms that feels the need to obsessively clean everything after the kids go to bed, but that is not me. lol After a day of dealing with 3 kids under 4 years all I want to do is veg!

    Hi, I am a mommy to 6, I have 2 at home, the rest are grown (miss 'em so) anyway..... :) I don't ignore my need to snack. For me, it is a need. When you workout your body naturally begs for more food. I will have a Tablespoon of peanut butter on a Multi-grain Wasa Crisp Bread... it is good. or half cup of reduced fat ice cream and a sugar cone, or just the cream, or just the cone... depends on how I feel.

    Sometimes, if I am feeling snacky but not wanting anything sweet, I will just roll up deli turkey inside of romaine lettuce and snack on those. this particular snack is only about 50 calories, that is with the lettuce and 6 slices of turkey.

    Fruit is always good and some extra veggies :)
    I am sure others will have other ideas.
  • lbruce14
    lbruce14 Posts: 13 Member
    I hear ya!! I have 2 kids and am an elementary teacher. I'm mentally FRIED by the end of the day...this year working with 23 kids (most special needs) nearly sent me over the edge food-wise. I buy those mini fudge bars (40 cals) and eat a couple of those (I LOVE chocolate and icecream so this hits the spot). And honestly, this might not help, but most days I say to hell with it and go to bed when they do. I can't eat if I'm sleeping. :)

    oh, the other thing i like that feels like junk food is frozen strawberries and cool whip (okay, one might consider an edible oil product junk food, but I say, whatever works!!)
  • balancebean
    balancebean Posts: 96 Member
    My kids are older now, but I remember those days. It sounds like you're rewarding yourself (deservedly so) after a full day. Try rewarding yourself some other way, like a bubble bath or treating yourself to a manicure.
  • CristineD
    CristineD Posts: 59 Member
    I put my snacks in at the beginning of the day so that those calories are taken up before my day even begins. I then work the rest of my meals around them. Sounds terrible but it's not everyday.
    On the days when I feel like I'm going to seriously overeat after my 2 kids have gone to bed are the days when I make a cup of tea, grab two biscuits and go to bed early to read or surf the internet from there. It's much harder to get out of bed for more snacks than it is to get up from the table or sofa to get a snack. And you don't snack if you go to sleep earlier than usual.
  • buffalogal1979
    buffalogal1979 Posts: 236 Member
    HI! I have 3 little ones too and have the same trouble only my difficult time is late afternoon... first, see if you are actually hungry, check your calories - you may need a few more.
    Gum helps me. Sugar free, a ton of different flavors. Or someone once told me to break their smoking habit they would bite down on a whole clove for distraction. I am considering this. I know that I don't need to eat and it's just habit or emotional or whatever. I need a distraction from the craving. Light microwave popcorn is good too, it is a pretty generous serving for relatively few calories.
    Good luck!
  • JoyfulSparkle
    By the time my one y/o is in bed, i'm really quite tired, but I like to craft. I have a goal to make 50% of our Christmas gifts every year. I let myself sit down, with a cup of tea and 1 snack, preferably under 100 calories, like those Fiber One 90 calorie brownies. THen I clean my hands, sticky fingers are hard to clean off of a craft, like sewing tote bags, or crocheting scarves. I end up sticking to one snack, simply to keep my fingers clean :)
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    I agree with what others have said. One thing I would ask yourself is are you really hungry? Putting the kids to bed might be signaling your body that food is coming if it has been a repetitious behavior for you. You might not actually be hungry, you might just feel like snacking because that is something you do. Try to teach yourself that you don't need to snack if you want to veg out and watch tv or something. I used to be on an evening shift and get off work at 9pm. I would pick up my son at the babysitters and after putting him to bed, want to eat dinner! Once I switched shifts, I had to retrain my way of thinking and stop eating mindlessly in front of the television.

    Just something to ponder. To wean yourself, start with a small, healthy treat like apple slices and peanut butter. Then gradually replace every other day with a cup of hot tea or some flavored water. Then have a glass of water every day instead of the treat until you no longer need anything else.
  • MamaMizzle
    MamaMizzle Posts: 44 Member
    HI! I have 3 little ones too and have the same trouble only my difficult time is late afternoon... first, see if you are actually hungry, check your calories - you may need a few more.
    Gum helps me. Sugar free, a ton of different flavors. Or someone once told me to break their smoking habit they would bite down on a whole clove for distraction. I am considering this. I know that I don't need to eat and it's just habit or emotional or whatever. I need a distraction from the craving. Light microwave popcorn is good too, it is a pretty generous serving for relatively few calories.
    Good luck!

    I think a lot of times it is emotional eating for me, definitely. But, I'm also hungry at the same time. I'm having a hard time with the whole concept of eating my exercise calories in order to lose weight. It goes against what I thought I knew about dieting for 20 something years! I think I am going to add gum and popcorn into my late night plan. Thanks!
  • rachel1496
    I try and make sure the kitchen is clean and the dishwasher is running right after they go to bed. It sounds strange but if it's clean I'm less likely to snack because I don't want to have dishes that have to sit in the sink overnight. I made a rule against eating in the living room and that helps, if I'm vegging on the couch I don't want to get up and go stare at the kitchen walls while I eat.

    I save all of my errands/shopping until after they go to bed and then leave my husband here with them and off I go to Walmart, the mailbox, visit a friend for an hour, anything that gets me out of the house. If I'm not here I can't raid the kitchen, right? If I am home I try to have something to sew or a craft project to work on to distract me.
  • rachel1496
    I should add that for me after dinner snacking is usually the result of boredom so I do whatever I need to do to make sure I'm not bored.
  • livinglifeandlovingit
    Being a mom of multiple children, working and keeping a home is a full plate. Have you tried snacking on celery and carrot sticks? If you are looking for something slightly sweet and crunchy try Jicama. It is up to you to make the proper decisions so that you can break this bad habit. YOu don't want all your efforts to go to waste.

    I work very long days, sometimes nights. When I get home I am very much the same way. I just limit the chips and things like that I consume and consume the whites of a hard boiled egg, lettuce and carrots, Jicama (because I love crunchy stuff). Sometimes I'll do a smalll salad without the salad dressing because I love to taste the veggies/lettuce.

    Stay strong girlie and be concientous about all of the decisions you make. Good Luck:happy:
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    You have to go on their website and plug in your zip code to see where they are...but I am obsessed with Arctic Zero "ice cream". It's 150 calories for the whole PINT. If I've worked out a lot I'll soften it in the microwave, and stir in a tablespoon of PB. Then put some redi-whip on top. It's a PINT so if I eat the whole thing, it takes me a long time if I'm slow, and it's high in whey protein so I feel totally fullfilled afterwards. Coffee and chocolate flavors are the best! Mint Chocolate Cookie is pretty good too!...Oh and Vanilla Maple, with the PB tastes like a fluffernutter sandwich. :-D
  • MamaMizzle
    MamaMizzle Posts: 44 Member
    I agree with what others have said. One thing I would ask yourself is are you really hungry? Putting the kids to bed might be signaling your body that food is coming if it has been a repetitious behavior for you. You might not actually be hungry, you might just feel like snacking because that is something you do. Try to teach yourself that you don't need to snack if you want to veg out and watch tv or something. I used to be on an evening shift and get off work at 9pm. I would pick up my son at the babysitters and after putting him to bed, want to eat dinner! Once I switched shifts, I had to retrain my way of thinking and stop eating mindlessly in front of the television.

    Just something to ponder. To wean yourself, start with a small, healthy treat like apple slices and peanut butter. Then gradually replace every other day with a cup of hot tea or some flavored water. Then have a glass of water every day instead of the treat until you no longer need anything else.

    Part of me does wonder sometimes if my struggle with eating after the kids go to bed is a habit more so than a need for more fuel. I'm going to try and be more mindful. Good point. Thanks!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    hi! I am a mommy of 3, and I totally get where you are coming from. I do a few things.

    1. a large glass of water, ice, and lemon wedges.

    2. go to bed earlier and read - too lazy to go all the way back downstairs to find a snack, LOL

    3. plan ahead with some low fat snacks. or rather, only one snack.

    4. take up a hobby that requires your hands. I can sit and watch tv, but also knit or crochet, or even draw.

    5. make a snack for my hubby (oh, don't I sound like suzie homemaker, but he works hard too) and then just have a wee taste of his instead of my own.

    I tried getting up and going for a walk, but by that time of night, I am wiped out. so something busy but not physical works better just to avoid the snacking.
  • MamaMizzle
    MamaMizzle Posts: 44 Member
    You have to go on their website and plug in your zip code to see where they are...but I am obsessed with Arctic Zero "ice cream". It's 150 calories for the whole PINT. If I've worked out a lot I'll soften it in the microwave, and stir in a tablespoon of PB. Then put some redi-whip on top. It's a PINT so if I eat the whole thing, it takes me a long time if I'm slow, and it's high in whey protein so I feel totally fullfilled afterwards. Coffee and chocolate flavors are the best! Mint Chocolate Cookie is pretty good too!...Oh and Vanilla Maple, with the PB tastes like a fluffernutter sandwich. :-D

    That sounds awesome! I thought it was going to be full of fake sugar and other fake ingredients, so I'm glad to see that its not. Going to check it out.
  • MamaMizzle
    MamaMizzle Posts: 44 Member
    hi! I am a mommy of 3, and I totally get where you are coming from. I do a few things.

    1. a large glass of water, ice, and lemon wedges.

    2. go to bed earlier and read - too lazy to go all the way back downstairs to find a snack, LOL

    3. plan ahead with some low fat snacks. or rather, only one snack.

    4. take up a hobby that requires your hands. I can sit and watch tv, but also knit or crochet, or even draw.

    5. make a snack for my hubby (oh, don't I sound like suzie homemaker, but he works hard too) and then just have a wee taste of his instead of my own.

    I tried getting up and going for a walk, but by that time of night, I am wiped out. so something busy but not physical works better just to avoid the snacking.

    lol That's my fave, to take just a bite of whatever fatty snack he has for himself! Somehow, he's been lucky enough to get to eat whatever he wants! *grumble*
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    I am also a snacker... esp at night. I try and go with fruit.. water.. or fiber plus bars!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I know that I like to snack later at night - so I make sure I set some calories aside for snacking. If you know you'll want something after they go to bed - eat lighter through the day so you have enough leftover to have something later.
