Thyroid Only Succes Stories

SanaAnum Posts: 61 Member
This is a place or thread to share your weight loss succes stories if you have thyroid problem like hypothyroid. sw cw time that took to reach cw.
please only succes stories no sharing of problems related to hypothyroid.


  • Bechler77
    Bechler77 Posts: 65 Member
    SW 377
    CW 213
    GW 195
    Is been just over one year since I started eating healthier and exercising. My thyroid levels are fairly stable but I tend to be on the hypo side when I get checked. I just watch my calorie intake and make sure I do something active everyday. I'm changing my exercise from cardio to more strength training. I'd like to gain some muscle mass and get stronger in general.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    SW for MFP 330
    CW 306
    Started taking a deficit one month ago when I was about 323lb.

    Hashimoto’s, amongst other autoimmune disorders. On low-dose thyroid replacement. Following a low-carb diet to manage side-effects of prednisone.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member take the exact amount of levothyroxine as me!
  • jrae75
    jrae75 Posts: 16 Member
    5'5, 42 years old, diagnosed with hypothyroid when I was 28. I am guessing I probably weighed around 135lbs when I was diagnosed. Fast forward through 14 years and the births of three children..... which got me to:

    SW (June 2017): 185lbs
    CW (today!): 155lbs
    GW: 140-145ish, I'm not sure. I'll see how I feel when I get there.

    My dose of levothyroxine was 100mcg when I started my weight loss journey. In October, after routine bloodwork and a loss of approx 20 pounds, my dose was decreased to 75mcg. My fitness plan has basically just been tracking food/calories on MFP and exercising a few times a week (elliptical, walking, yoga, and pilates.) Slow and steady, but it's coming off!
  • druioak
    druioak Posts: 2 Member
    I was diagnosed with both Hashimotos and PCOS as a teenager and have struggled ever since to find the right dose (now in my late 30s). That was until I fought the doctors to get me off Levo and go on Nature Throid. When I was at my heaviest (260), the only solution any doctor gave me was weight loss surgery. So, I started Weight Watchers and went to the gym on a consistent basis. I dropped 75 pounds on my own and got pregnant (which they told me would never happen). I am still working on the last of the weight. I think the rough part of this disease is that every body is different although the doctors treat us all the same and are not willing to budge in testing new treatments. Gotta keep up the good fight for yourself and listen to your body. I am so happy to hear other people’s success stories as it proves that there is hope at the end of the Hashi tunnel.
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    Hashimotos I’ve taken “a break” from logging on properly, put some weight lost again and now back hopefully to logging and eating properly. I’m back to July 2017 weight 76kg my GW is 69kg so I still have a long way to go but sharing my progress here. 24amqz45nhrn.jpeg
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