Starting Keto - 230 lbs to go

Hello everyone!
My name is Hannah and I’m 25 years old and 370 lbs. I’ve reached the point that I’ve decided to take my life back. I’ll be following a ketogenic way of life and I’m very excited to get started. Best of luck to everyone, here’s to healthful living!


  • robanntyler
    robanntyler Posts: 24 Member
    The Keto works ! I’ve dropped 75 pounds so far and am getting stuck so trying this to hopefully avoid the plateaus.
  • robanntyler
    robanntyler Posts: 24 Member
    That’s awesome Dervari ! Congratulations
  • mic1018
    mic1018 Posts: 70 Member
    Congrats to you for taking control of your life and health! I just started doing low carb/keto on January 1st and I am down 14 lbs so far. I was 260 when I started...and determined to finally get back to my old self. Friend me if you are looking for low carb friends for motivation. I log in every day and love to share recipes, chat, vent, etc. We can do this!
  • robanntyler
    robanntyler Posts: 24 Member
    Good Luck Hannah ! Really different at first, but is a great lifestyle choice. Lots of info out there & some really good stuff to eat while still meeting your goals.
  • b3llzy
    b3llzy Posts: 77 Member
    Keto here as well! Anyone can feel free to add me. :smile:
  • AmyRaeOverby
    AmyRaeOverby Posts: 1 Member
    Day #1 of Keto for me! Starting at my heaviest ever of 319.2 lbs. We got this!
  • Minniiiii
    Minniiiii Posts: 7 Member
    Keto is great :) Hope you'll enjoy it. I've been on it since October. I lost around 20lbs but I don't have that much to lose, it's more of a question of health for me. I learned not to trust the scale but in measurements once a month, and to keep my food varied like in any other WOE. It's also fun to go to places and check the keto friendly items on the menu.
    Anyone doing keto, feel free do add me too!