Question for all the mommies out there



  • trishdoyle
    My new "sweet" is a graham cracker with 1/4 tsp. of Nutela spread. Yummy!
  • dolphin9803
    I normally take a walk around the house or let the dogs out and walk them up and down the driveway, but then again my driveway is about 2 football feilds long. My oldest watches over everything at home since he is 13
  • laclulover
    Night time snacking is how I stayed fat for so many years. I always snacked at night. Usually potato chips and a candy bar. After the days I used to have I felt I "deserved" it. My husband toddles off to bed around 9:00 I'm a night owl. As the years passed I now eat peanuts and a small square of chocolate, but it is still snacking. Then I tried the jello chocolate mousse desserts, WOW, they are delicious. The 60 calorie one really makes me feel like I'm cheating. So I know keep my night time snack to 1/3 cup peanuts, and a jello mousse. It satisfies me. So far since January, I have lost 35 pounds.
  • Nikkiairforcewife
    Nikkiairforcewife Posts: 164 Member
    I had 7 kids in about 8 1/2 years. The oldest is now 9 1/2. So I know about emotional eating and late-night snacking and vegging.

    I save calories for this purpose. But I also like to remind myself that even though I want an ice cream, and cheetos, and a granola bar, and cookies, etc, I can pick one and save more for the next day. I try not to feel deprived or surely that would send me into a binge.

    I also like to balance my day.

    My requirements I've made for myself are:

    Journal for 100 days
    Eat 5 a day (fruits and vegetables)
    Drink 12 glasses of water

    So if in the evening when the minions are sleeping I feel snacky, I check my list:

    Did I journal? yes.
    Did I get enough fruits and vegetables? no? Have that first.
    Did I reach my water goal? no? Drink up!

    And THEN if I'm still snacky, I allow myself one of those indulgences I mentioned above.

    And if I've done all those things AND had my special treat I consider exercising to have a little more. But that doesn't happen as much since I know there's always tomorrow to have another treat.

    I hope this helps!
  • Amysgetnfit
    hi! I am a mommy of 3, and I totally get where you are coming from. I do a few things.

    1. a large glass of water, ice, and lemon wedges.

    2. go to bed earlier and read - too lazy to go all the way back downstairs to find a snack, LOL

    3. plan ahead with some low fat snacks. or rather, only one snack.

    4. take up a hobby that requires your hands. I can sit and watch tv, but also knit or crochet, or even draw.

    5. make a snack for my hubby (oh, don't I sound like suzie homemaker, but he works hard too) and then just have a wee taste of his instead of my own.

    I tried getting up and going for a walk, but by that time of night, I am wiped out. so something busy but not physical works better just to avoid the snacking.

    lol That's my fave, to take just a bite of whatever fatty snack he has for himself! Somehow, he's been lucky enough to get to eat whatever he wants! *grumble*
    I feel the pain there! everyone else gets to eat the yummy snacks!
    all of the above are great , also try water & chewing gum so you get the chew part of the snacking without downing a bunch of calories.
    Try just going to bed earlier, change up the routine, do different things. any snacks you do eat be sure they are low calorie. I love ice cream, especially chocolate. I have found that the weight watchers, or fit & active Fudge pops are awesome satisfying & only 100 calories. & they are actually larger than the regular fattening variety!
    stay strong!
  • texasrebel83
    texasrebel83 Posts: 40 Member
    I have the same problem and I've learned to not sit downstairs after everyone goes to bed. I tend to stay up watching tv downstairs so my husband can sleep since he gets up early and those are the times I snack. Its alot more work for me to go downstairs and then come back up that I don't go downstairs to begin with so I try to stay upstairs in the office.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    I brush my teeth when I brush my toddler's. That way I don't want to eat anything.
  • amyschaefer
    I also had three in less than 4 years. They are 6, 4 1/2, and 2 1/2 now. I totally relate to putting them to bed and then going straight to the kitchen to snack. It is a hard habit to break. I leave some calories for the end of the day and then have some rice cakes, pistachios, banana with a little pb, or a cheese stick, some yogurt with fruit...something low cal and then I eat it slow. I do get hungry then so I usually try to watch a show or two then go to bed so I won't eat anything else.
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    I wish I was one of those high energy moms that feels the need to obsessively clean everything after the kids go to bed, but that is not me. lol too!

    Some of my normal night time snacks are yogurt (Yoplait Whips - strawberry), almonds (Emerald cocoa roast 100 calorie packs), rice cakes with laughing cow cheese or peanut butter, hummus with some kind of chips/crackers/veggies, 100 calorie microwave popcorn bags, single serving Skinny Cow or Edy's ice cream cups or ice cream bars.

    I used to be the same way...veg in front of the TV or internet and snack like crazy after the kiddo goes to bed. BUT, I have to work out at night, or I don't get to work out at all. I usually get my daughter into bed around 7:45 or 8:00, and I just go ahead and change into workout clothes and get it over with. I don't always want to, but I find that it really does help me not just sit around and eat. I get my workout done (3 nights per week), and THEN I can veg. I try to leave room in my calorie budget for some kind of snack after my workout, so that I don't have to feel guilty. And having pre-portioned snacks (100 cal packs, or single serve snacks) really helps me, because I don't have to worry about grabbing a whole bag of chips and eating them all while I zone out in front of the TV (which I could easily do).
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I simply choose not to put anything in my mouth. That is the only way to combat needless eating. :smile:
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    I wish I was one of those high energy moms that feels the need to obsessively clean everything after the kids go to bed, but that is not me. lol too!

    Some of my normal night time snacks are yogurt (Yoplait Whips - strawberry), almonds (Emerald cocoa roast 100 calorie packs), rice cakes with laughing cow cheese or peanut butter, hummus with some kind of chips/crackers/veggies, 100 calorie microwave popcorn bags, single serving Skinny Cow or Edy's ice cream cups or ice cream bars.

    I used to be the same way...veg in front of the TV or internet and snack like crazy after the kiddo goes to bed. BUT, I have to work out at night, or I don't get to work out at all. I usually get my daughter into bed around 7:45 or 8:00, and I just go ahead and change into workout clothes and get it over with. I don't always want to, but I find that it really does help me not just sit around and eat. I get my workout done (3 nights per week), and THEN I can veg. I try to leave room in my calorie budget for some kind of snack after my workout, so that I don't have to feel guilty. And having pre-portioned snacks (100 cal packs, or single serve snacks) really helps me, because I don't have to worry about grabbing a whole bag of chips and eating them all while I zone out in front of the TV (which I could easily do).

    ^^^^^THIS^^^^^ is what I do, too. My kiddos (3 kids 5 and under) are down between 8:30-8:45 and then I go work out in my basement. After a workout, I don't feel like spoiling all the work I did, so I'll either have an ice-cold glass of water or some kind of fruit. The exception: a square or two of dark chocolate. I'm experimenting with this, learned from an MFP friend, that dark chocolate can help you lose weight. So far, not so bad. :)
  • MamaMizzle
    MamaMizzle Posts: 44 Member
    I wish I was one of those high energy moms that feels the need to obsessively clean everything after the kids go to bed, but that is not me. lol too!

    Some of my normal night time snacks are yogurt (Yoplait Whips - strawberry), almonds (Emerald cocoa roast 100 calorie packs), rice cakes with laughing cow cheese or peanut butter, hummus with some kind of chips/crackers/veggies, 100 calorie microwave popcorn bags, single serving Skinny Cow or Edy's ice cream cups or ice cream bars.

    I used to be the same way...veg in front of the TV or internet and snack like crazy after the kiddo goes to bed. BUT, I have to work out at night, or I don't get to work out at all. I usually get my daughter into bed around 7:45 or 8:00, and I just go ahead and change into workout clothes and get it over with. I don't always want to, but I find that it really does help me not just sit around and eat. I get my workout done (3 nights per week), and THEN I can veg. I try to leave room in my calorie budget for some kind of snack after my workout, so that I don't have to feel guilty. And having pre-portioned snacks (100 cal packs, or single serve snacks) really helps me, because I don't have to worry about grabbing a whole bag of chips and eating them all while I zone out in front of the TV (which I could easily do).

    ^^^^^THIS^^^^^ is what I do, too. My kiddos (3 kids 5 and under) are down between 8:30-8:45 and then I go work out in my basement. After a workout, I don't feel like spoiling all the work I did, so I'll either have an ice-cold glass of water or some kind of fruit. The exception: a square or two of dark chocolate. I'm experimenting with this, learned from an MFP friend, that dark chocolate can help you lose weight. So far, not so bad. :)

    Dark chocolate can help with weight loss?? I hope so! But, how much are we talkin' here? We actually have a Sam's Club amount of dark chocolate bars here (courtesy of husband) and if I'm having a chocolate/sweet craving I try to limit the amount to 1/2 bar (which is about 90 calories).
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    My kids are older now, but I remember those days. It sounds like you're rewarding yourself (deservedly so) after a full day. Try rewarding yourself some other way, like a bubble bath or treating yourself to a manicure.

    I like this!!

    I try not to snack but when I do I try to eat fruits or veggies w/hummus
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I also don't do anything after the kids go to sleep. BUT I try to go to bed between 9 and 10 so I can get up at 5am to workout...

    Maybe try popcorn. You can eat a lot of it without doing too much damage. Or sugar snap peas.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Get Dove dark chocolate. It's so good. I never knew I liked dark chocolate until I tried Dove. I don't think it helps with weight loss but it does help lower your blood pressure. I get the bags with just the little pieces. 2-3 a night is just perfect.
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm with you on the young ones, 6 1/2, 4 1/2 & 2 1/2.... They go down at 8:00 and I try not to snack either but chewing gum *sugar free* helps and brushing your teeth... I feel guilty if I eat after I've brushed my teeth for the night. *keeps me from drinking soda too... *
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    I eat sugar free pudding cups with one of those long handled old fashioned baby spoons. You just get tiny bites and it lasts longer. It feels like you are eating a lot, but you are not.