Cannot stop binge eating at night



  • kcpardue
    kcpardue Posts: 8 Member
    For all of us who struggle with bingeing, I highly recommend the book Bright Line Eating. It helped me understand what is going on in my brain when I feel divided against myself (eat it, no make the better choice, EAT IT, noooo!) and gives real help overcoming our obstacles from someone who has been where we are.
  • sadrina1986
    sadrina1986 Posts: 30 Member
    Try the plain oatmeal from Quaker, the one with 100 cal/pouch and 0 sugar; eat it with water only. It'll basically take away all your appetite but actually very nutritious to the body.
  • Tinkachu
    Tinkachu Posts: 25 Member
    toxikon wrote: »
    Tinkachu wrote: »
    Have you tried taking an appetite suppressant? I've had issues with binge eating for years. I've read books, tried eating healthy, etc. and appetite suppressants are the only thing that have worked thus far. Right now I'm taking appetite attack by Her Diet.

    Judging by the ingredients, those look like expensive caffeine tablets.

    I take caffeine pills for energy, these work better for appetite. :)
  • health4me84
    health4me84 Posts: 14 Member
    Assuming you are eating a sensible diet during the day, you are hydrated and working out moderately, this sounds like a slight binge eating disorder. I have been exactly where you are and I have overcome this. Now I am still overweight (for other reasons, but getting a hold of that now:). So if you are eating healthy in the day and go awol at night here are some tips that helped me:
    Just go to bed early - Nothing wrong with getting extra sleep and you are more apt to eat carbs and sugar when tired.
    Limit TV and Computer Time - Just sitting there browsing or watching shows can make you mindless eat. If you must watch TV, perhaps pick up adult colouring, knitting etc. Keep those hands busy. If you must be on a PC, pick up some gaming lol. Keep busy.
    Keep Mints near by: Most foods with mint taste gross and it kills the craving.
    Obvious - Don't buy the garbage foods, I know easier said than done. But this one really helped me....although I could get pretty creative in that :"binge" state. I remember eating quick pudding with graham crackers because thats all I had.
    Most Importantly! You need to find a way to cope with the anxiety around food / dieting. I only became a "binge eater" when I started to calorie count. Now I believe in eating a healthy diet in moderation and not restricting calories excessively, but my OCD would kick in and I would count every calorie, basically obsessively. Eat healthy all day, exercise, to only binge for 3-4 hours in the evening. At least the exercise helped me not gain I guess? I am sure I will get yelled at for this, but maybe take a little break from strictly counting calories, focus on whole healthy foods, still exercise and find different ways to cope with Stress in the evening. Because thats what binging is, a coping mechanism for anxiety/ stress and or depression. Find hobbies that make you happy to do in the evening that are not necessarily "exercise or diet" related.
    If its becoming more serious, please speak to someone. It is a hard cycle to break like I said, ususally goes hand in hand with stress/anxiety/depression etc.
    What helped me greatly (which is not everyone's thing) is hypnotism. Finding a hypnotism for losing weight and or anxiety brought me out of that binge eating cycle. Not only it is relaxing to listen to, but it took the anxiety I had about food and dieting away. I did Paul Mckenna's I Can Make You Thin. Or there are tons of Apps now. Even hypnotism for relaxation would probably help also. Now its NOT a quick fix to lose weight, but it helped me relax around food.

    If you have questions message me :) It will be all good. Its really hard to talk about Binge Eating, because unless you have been there, you have no idea really how it makes you feel inside and how frustrating it is. Take care and good luck.
  • bigmanatee
    bigmanatee Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you for posting! I've been battling this for decades. Take a look at Dr Kushners Personality Diet book. He talks about this in detail. As a matter of fact I'm going to pull it off the shelf right now.
  • kazie1206
    kazie1206 Posts: 21 Member
    I was a serious binge eater. I first had to pinpoint why this was. I discovered it was a three prong problem. 1. I was bored and when I am bored, I eat, and not just eat I binge. I binge Netflix and binge on chips, cookies, ice-cream, etc. while I’m doing that. 2. I am tired so my body is craving carb heavy foods that will spike energy. 3. I love hand to mouth foods when I watch TV.

    I knew I needed to do something, so I decided to tackle all three of these issues. 1. Create less “bored” time in my nighttime routine. 2. No longer stay up til 11:00, 12:00 at night. My bedtime is strictly 10:00 pm now (which also helps with #1). And 3. Accept that I am a hand to mouth eater so allow myself to do that with healthy options instead of those mentioned above. (Meal prep my binge hand to mouth foods).
    Before I made my change, my nightly routine looked like this. Pick up fast food on my way to my son’s pre-school. Have him picked up by 6:30 and we were eating burgers and fries by 6:45. By 7:00, I would turn on the TV and have a bag of chips on my lap (WHY, I couldn’t possibly be hungry after killing a cheeseburger and fries!), 7:30 bath and bedtime prep, 8:00 my son was in bed. Time for TV binge and food binge until 11:00 or 12:00 pm. So 4 hours of binge eating after a fast-food burger and fries…. And I was surprised when I stepped on the scale that I would cry.

    New routine. Pickup my son at 6:15, start cooking dinner at home at 6:30 (Allowing him to help cook makes it easier for him to be excited about healthy foods instead of the burgers and fries he was used to). Done cooking and eating by 7:15. Now I play a game with him (board game or work on his numbers/letters, or have dance party with him.) Still 7:30-8:00 is bath, book, and bed routine. Now this is normally when I start my TV/Food binge, but I want to delay that. So I go for a walk/jog from 8:15-8:45 and shower from 8:45 to 9:00, and since my bedtime is strictly 10:00, I shorten my “bored” time from 4 hours to 1 hour! #1 tackled. #2, I know that my body is tired and craves starchy foods, so with my strict bedtime of 10:00 pm (which melatonin helped at first to establish), I’m less tired. I also introduce either a coffee or herbal tea during my 1 hour of “bored” which the caffeine helps 1. Curve appetite and 2. Gives my body that little push of energy it craves no I crave less starchy foods. So tackling #3 (which is the hardest). I am a hand to mouth/TV watcher. I know this and accept this about myself and have STOPPED beating myself up about. So I now meal prep my binge hand to mouth foods because I AM going to do it, but I need to be smarter about it. So I prepackage snacks. My fav right now is a biiiig handful of raw mushrooms and a small side of Kraft zesty Italian dressing to dip. Gives me the hand to mouth option that I can snack on during my fav TV show and my downtime, but it’s like a total of 90 calories and 5 carbs. I also cut up bell pepper straws, or chop zucchini into slices (sprinkle olive oil salt and pepper and bake them in the oven) for the chip effect. All of these options are 1. Healthy, 2. Low calorie and carb, and 3 give me that underlining need to hand to mouth my way through my downtime/TV time.

    Binge eating is a huge downfall of mine and I completely understand where you’re coming from! Good luck in finding what works best for you!