Here we go again

So I’m about to go on a diet as I’m sick of being this overweight frump. My size has hindered my social life in so many ways it’s unreal it has knocked my confidence but dispite all this I’m still stuffing my face with big bags of crisps, m&ms. Endless chocolate and sweets and now I’m 21 stone. Where do I even begin, how do I stop these cravings, how will I even lose all this extra weight! I have so much fat on me I can’t ever see it going,I feel so ashamed, I know I should be eating healthy but I can never seem to pass up the chance on a take away or some other unhealthy crap. I’ve read your success stories I hope this time next year I’m able to be writing a success story and not still stuffing myself with takeaways , chocolates and crisps.


  • helene4
    helene4 Posts: 120 Member
    I said this on a different thread, but I wanted to respond :)

    Unhappiness is the first sign something powerful stirs within you. harness that! Change Your Life! You are not a victim. You control what you eat! Time to take the reins and get on the path you want to be on

    And stay the course as best you can

    Stay the course

    This is a long-term thing
    Be patient and don't be so hard on yourself
    Love yourself
    Heal yourself
    I am here and support you!

    I know you can do this

    Start snacking on fruits and veggies even if you don't love it at first
    Move more
    Make a plan
    Getting healthy and strong is a special and exciting time!
  • ldowdesw
    ldowdesw Posts: 222 Member
    Plan your days in advance, don’t go over calories and celebrate every 1lb lost.. that’s all in doing and all I feel like doing at the moment. Hopefully once I shift a bit of weight, I will regain some energy, but at the moment I’m focusing heavily on planning a day in advance.
    Challenge yourself to stick to your shopping list!
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    As others have said, just...start. Write down your overall goals, but make mini goals along the way to make the journey seem not so difficult. Otherwise it seems like a mountain to climb. Examples of my mini goals are: lose 1 stone, lose 10% of body weight, then 20%,
    2 stone etc etc, until you reach your goal weight. I have a mini goal set at least every 10 ish pounds. Crossed off getting myself back into one-derland this morning (weigh beginning with a 1 instead of a 2 or more in lbs).

    Start moving more, get a Fitbit or activity tracker if you think that will help... aim for 8,000
    Steps per day then more.

    Log and weigh everything,
    Plan your meals in advance.
    Have a snack box to graze on during the day if you’re a snacker. I fill mine with carrot, tomatoes, cucumber, red pepper, some crackers, humus, a FEW nuts, and whatever else I have lying around. I know those are my snacks for the day then
    I’m done. It is ALL about planning. If you know you are going to eat out for example, check
    Out the menu before you go and decide what you’ll have, call the restaurant if you need to, to find out what the nutrition is in the dishes.

    Read the success stories on here. There are
    Many many people who have lost loads of weight through hard work, and exercise alone, they inspire me.

    Set yourself a challenge. I did/am currently doing a 30 day plant based foods programme
    With no added sugar, and no alcohol. Anyone can do anything for 30 days. Doesn’t have to be as extreme as mine of course but I wanted to get back to basics, start eating REAL food
    Again, and cook from scratch.
    Find out what works for YOU. Good luck,
    And you can do this!!
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    I should also add, maybe go and get your cholesterol and blood sugars and blood pressure checked as well. And then again in 3 months. If you’re eating well, those things (esp cholesterol) should have come down, and you’ll see the difference the diet is making on your health rather than just on the scales. Additionally it’s good to know where you stand on most of these things. If
    You’re In the uk (you said your weight in stone so maybe you are?) you can go to I think it’s Lloyd’s pharmacy and they will do those things for free for you, if not your dr will check if you ask.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    You know there is something wrong, you've recognized that, what a great first step. Junk food, processed foods and sugar laden foods are addictive. They make you want more more more. Do you realize that? Once you accept that all you have to do is eat whole foods, cut processed foods and sugar..those binge cravings will STOP. You will control your life and eating habits. After two weeks.. you'll start feeling better, in control..and when the scale starts moving down..and your tight clothes feel a bit loose... you will get so motivated, you won't believe you're the same person. can do it!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Start with one step. Don't try to change everything in one day. If you like takeaway then have it once it awhile. Just not every meal and keep the portions low.

    Something else that might be helpful is to spend some time finding out WHY you overeat so much. When your eating gets really out of control instead of beating yourself up, think about it. How were you feeling? What triggered this? What can you do to control that emotion besides overeating?

    And do not beat yourself up when you go off plan and don't expect to get to goal quickly. Just keep working toward the goal. If you slip, get back up and keep going. The only way to not have to start over is never stop, even if you stumble.

    You can do this! Have faith in yourself and be patient and kind to yourself. You are worth it and you CAN do it.
  • DanerTee
    DanerTee Posts: 263 Member
    Start. Just don't overthink it and get going......on ONE thing. Change ONE habit at a time....get used to how it feels to do whatever it is you want to change first. Maybe its walking a half hour every day, maybe its eliminating one take-away meal per week. Maybe its having one less chocolate or drink. Whatever it is, take it slow....make it habit and once it is, add something else. SLOW. The more extreme you are the harder you will fall when you get sick of it.

    Good luck, YOU CAN DO IT!
  • judefit18
    judefit18 Posts: 38 Member
    Don't think about what discourages you, what you didn't do, where you are that you don't like.

    DO think about just taking it a day at a time, a meal at a time or a minute at a time.

    When you get discouraged, find something other than food to make you smile.

    When a craving hits, drink a glass of water.

    Start to think about substituting a healthy snack for a heavy one- even just once a day.

    Everyone here has been where you are, just look for one little success and build on it.

    Be patient with yourself- your weight issue is a struggle but it isn't who you are. It's just a challenge

    Keep coming here- we are all here for you :-)
  • Arilynngma
    Arilynngma Posts: 13 Member
    I feel exactly the same way. Over weight and miserable. Want to lose weight and yet can't stop eating, and sweets just call my name. I know i am an emotional eater and I'm under a lot of stress. Leave house only to do what I have to do. Go to work or my kids activities. Other than I stay at home because I don't want to be seen. I went to my doctor Monday for a sinus infection and his nurse always asks questions about depression at the beginning of the appointment. And just answering her questions had me in tears. Needless to say the doc put me on a low dose anti depressant that is not know to make you gain weight. I have taken it for 2 days in a row now and can tell a huge difference. I am not anxious and have not had a panic attack. And yesterday I had one small piece of chocolate and NO soda!! Usually I would have had at least 2 candy bars and bunch more sweets besides the soda. Then feel quilt. I'm hoping this calms me and I can gain control of my life again.
    Right now I am just counting my calories and not really restricting anthing other than to cut back on sweets and soda. I am 231 pounds and 5' 5" feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    You have great support here, keep coming back for advice and pats on the back!
  • wryone4
    wryone4 Posts: 118 Member
    You can do this! Just remember that each day is a victory, and each day you get a chance for a new victory. Some days will be easier than others. Some days you will be able to stick to your plan and other days might be more challenging. Just remember that each day you get the same chance and you don't have to let one bad day set you totally off.

    While you want to keep your overall goal in mind, sometimes that can seem overwhelming. Set a daily goal - maybe logging every bite. Maybe exercising for X minutes. Maybe avoiding soda. Anything. Find victory in that. Then add another small goal. Keep doing that once you have "mastered" the first goal. If you keep going by mastering small steps, before you know it, you have covered a marathon.

    My favorite phrase when I used to run strategic planning groups? "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Your weight loss goal is an elephant. Just take it one bite at a time.

    You really can do this.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Start. You are beautiful, worthy and more strong than you know. Don't be drastic. If you change something ask if you can live with it forever. For instance, NO chocolate is something I don't want to live with. However, a square of really good chocolate every single day with a cup of good tea works. NO carbs and extreme restriction is not for me, but mostly fruits and vegetables and bread/pasta/pastry once or twice a week works well.

    Do the calculator and find out how many calories to eat. Don't cut it way below that thinking you'll go faster. That will make you give up. Stay within the number. Then play the game of getting the most nutrition, fun and taste from those calories.

    You are stronger than you think and we've got your back. :)
  • Vicham76
    Vicham76 Posts: 59 Member
    Much success with changing your diet to healthier choices! You will reap the rewards both mentally and physically.
  • Thank you for all the replies! Today is a new day. I can do it. Just hope I just don’t give up
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