Recent grad with a desk job


I’m Paige and I graduated last May. I went from a pretty active day running to and from class and standing all day working retail to working a desk job. I typically spend around 9 hours (though it’s busy season so more like 11 lately!) in the office and I come home tired and not wanting to workout. I walk to and from work everyday which is about 3.5 miles total, so at least I’m not totally lazy! I’m mostly looking for people who will use the app and maybe say hello sometimes. I’m currently trying to lose the 20lbs I put on during college and when I get there I’ll figure out what I want to do!


  • MigsMex
    MigsMex Posts: 52 Member
    I have a desk job with about 20# to lose! You’re in a good place.
  • LaurenD63
    LaurenD63 Posts: 57 Member
    Congrats on graduating! I work a desk job too and I completely understand how activity can be limited when you're sitting all day. It's great that you get some activity walking to work. I'm usually drained by the end of the day too but try to make it to the gym at least 3 days a week and do 60 min of cardio a day. I'm aiming to lose 30-50lbs in the next couple of months short-term.
  • neogramps
    neogramps Posts: 79 Member
    I work a desk job too, with 2-3 mile walk to work + 2 young kids, so I get the being tired. But I try to find time for a couple of strength workouts a week in my garage.
  • Shredder583
    Shredder583 Posts: 180 Member
    Hey there Paige I feel yr pain. Been there done that. You have the right minset and I am confident you will reach YOUR goals! Happy to help U on yr journey
  • inf714
    inf714 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello hru
  • Savatar2011
    Savatar2011 Posts: 1 Member
    I understand the struggle, and I know it’s hard to leave your desk for walks or stretches. I’ve been working for four years and one thing that helps me is scheduling a class after work. It usually means I have to get into the office around 8 to leave at 6:30 but booking a class is great motivation :)
  • pilarslayer
    pilarslayer Posts: 234 Member
    I'm usually active everyday. I'll add you.