Need Help

I am a 57 year old woman who has gained almost 10 lbs in the past 4 years. I've tried desperately to lose it on several different occasions including starting on January 1st this year. This time I've not been able to stick to a diet. I know it doesn't sound like much for a lot of you , but after I had my daughter, who is 17 years old, I weighed almost 90 lbs more than I do now. With me 5 lb becomes 10 ,10 20 ,20 40 and so on. What I really have trouble with is just sticking to a diet. I love to cook and bake especially for other people and I like good food. I exercise regularly so that's not an issue. I hike, bike,run and I go to the gym several times a week and for the most part, enjoy movement.. I'm also a teacher so I'm fairly active in my job. It's now that I'm approaching 60s, the calorie need for my body is very low also. My metabolism seems to have slowed so much. I also have an autoimmune disease Myasthenia Gravis to contend with that can make me feel very fatgued at times and that is when I tend to overeat. So I'm just looking for a little support and some tips to help me drop this way. I just don't feel like myself right now I don't feel like I can work out as well as I could and none of my clothes fit.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Good job catching it at ten pounds instead of twenty or forty.

    Just be patient, log your food. Set your goal here on this GOALS page for "Lose 1/2 pound per week" - nothing more aggressive than that or it will be a miserable slog. Log your purposeful exercise on the EXERCISE tab and then eat a bit more on those days.

    And relax. It will happen.
  • iowalinda
    iowalinda Posts: 354 Member
    denik258 wrote: »
    I am a 57 year old woman who has gained almost 10 lbs in the past 4 years. I've tried desperately to lose it on several different occasions including starting on January 1st this year. This time I've not been able to stick to a diet. So I'm just looking for a little support and some tips to help me drop this way. I just don't feel like myself right now I don't feel like I can work out as well as I could and none of my clothes fit.

    Always remember that the power lies within you. You can achieve your goals. Small changes can make a big difference over time. One thing that made a difference for me was to stop evening snacking. Also, I need to remember that even with healthy foods, I can't just eat unlimited amounts. I found myself taking in too many calories with smoothies. One is good. Three or four, not so much :) Coffee or tea with yummy additives a half dozen times a day can really blow up my calories for the day.
    Wishing you all the best. You can do this!

  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    I have MG too. I’ll send a friend request if you’re looking for friends. There’s a group called “Getting for with Autoimmune” or something similar, there are other MGers in that group, too.

    I get the overeating on bad MG days. They stink! Lately my goal has been to prepare healthy, tasty meals for the bad days, and keep them in the freezer. Soups work great for this for me. I’ll make a big batch at once, freeze a few in single-serving sized meals. On the bad days, I don’t have to cook or clean anything, just pop it in the microwave to defrost and reheat. No thought, and it fits in my macro and nutritional goals. Definitely helps cut down on the emotional eating, when I can re-frame it as doing what’s needed to take care of my body on that particular day.
  • robbietek
    robbietek Posts: 4 Member
    Research the keto diet. It will work if you do it right.
  • theabsentmindednurse
    theabsentmindednurse Posts: 405 Member
    edited January 2018
    While Keto May have its benefits for Myasthenia Gravis, this type of diet is ill advised.
    Keto restricts many vegetables and fruits.
    This condition benefits greatly from a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein and fish. Gluten and wheat is best avoided.

    denik258 I have sent you a friend request and am happy to support you on this journey.
    You will get there!
    You have made the first step....
    And that is awesome.
  • aliblain
    aliblain Posts: 175 Member
    Yes, well done for catching it at 10 pounds. I lost a load of weight then knew I was gaining some of it back but turned a blind eye until I was 30 pounds up again. Have you considered doing 5:2? My mother in law who is post menapausal has had a lot of success on this- she has around 500 calories on the two fast days and has an egg with spinach for breakfast, soup for lunch and then some steamed veg and lean meat for dinner, so manages to get a lot out of her calories.
    She’s a nutritionist and has looked a lot at the benefits of intermittent fasting and it seems to be working as a lifestyle! She also doesn’t have a great deal of weight to lose but is losing slowly but steadily.