Would like more friends for motivation!

edithmnz Posts: 16 Member
edited January 2018 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone, I'm 32 yrs and I weigh 219... I need to lose about 60 lbs in order to reach the weight I'm supposed to weigh for my height (that's my goal). I've already lost 37 lbs but I have gained about 20 lbs back. Struggling to find motivation again... I can't muster up enough motivation to start eating healthy again or to workout, I feel lazy and sleepy at times. But I want to be more active and be able to lose the weight. I get on mfp to find some type of encouragement or to still be able to log meals even if they're not exactly healthy. I guess in the back of my heart and mind I'm too scared to stop using MFP because it's the one thing that keeps me from completely letting go of myself and tracking any type of workouts or calories. Help! Lol... any other ppl out there that feel the same way?


  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    add me if you like
  • cdogg556
    cdogg556 Posts: 4 Member
    I find it hard to get started, but once I do start I feel better not only physically but mentally, I notice for me the scale is a problem, having it in my bathroom where I can just step on it anytime is not good, I been bust'n my azz for 2 weeks now and have only dropped 1lb!!!! I am weight lifting also so that could be why, anyhow I hope you can dig deep inside and get on track, if not for anything other than to just feel better and be healthier.
  • twohourshower37
    twohourshower37 Posts: 37 Member
    Sent you a friend request! I recently put like 15 lbs back on and am finding it hard to get back in the swing of things. I find myself every day saying to myself "ehh what's one more day of skipping the gym I'll start back up tomorrow" or "I'll eat pizza but tomorrow will get my eating back on track" buuut of course tomorrow comes and I keep putting it off. But I think helping each other on MFP can be a great thing, we can do it
  • dcinthesummer
    dcinthesummer Posts: 55 Member
    How do you add a friend? Do you need the app?
  • caiteh86
    caiteh86 Posts: 243 Member
    How do you add a friend? Do you need the app?

    Click on her profile and there should be an "add friend" button. :) I don't use the app.
  • dcinthesummer
    dcinthesummer Posts: 55 Member
    I just see send message. I don't see an add friend button
  • mombiejohnston
    mombiejohnston Posts: 121 Member
    I came to this forum to find motivation, I need friends to do this journey with too! One of my high school friends hosted a free accountability group from Oct-Dec and it was amazing! We had to report to the group our nutrition and water EVERYDAY! I lost 18lbs. Then the group ended, and with the holidays I finally mustered the courage to get back on the scale last week and I’m back up 8lbs already. I’m about 40lbs from my “recommended weight” for my height, and I just can’t afford to join all the accountability groups I’ve seen. It helps so much to be accountable so I’m trying this app, even logged my cupcake from yesterday! I sent you a friend request, I don’t fully know how to work this app yet but I know I need someone with the same goals to talk to if there is any hope of being successful. Please message me anytime if you want a buddy, I totally know how you feel and I’m struggling with motivation too!
  • joelchmielak1
    joelchmielak1 Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me. Almost 100 down. 51 to goal
  • klkc2005
    klkc2005 Posts: 41 Member
    I started at about 218 and am stalled around172. I work out and log everything here. I like the accountability and support. Please feel free to add me if you want.
    TWRUNNER32 Posts: 62 Member
    Feel free to add me! I started last week at 244. Hoping to get down....oh quite a bit lol
  • JMcGee2018
    JMcGee2018 Posts: 275 Member
    I'm Jordyn, 28 and newly engaged. I used to be overweight at 160 pounds for years, but peaked at 174 after the holidays and now want to get down to 130 by next year for my wedding. Would love some friends on here to share this journey with.
  • nailer60
    nailer60 Posts: 12 Member
    I am 57 , Feel free to add, started Jan 1st at 304lbs , down 16 a lot more needs to go.
  • edithmnz
    edithmnz Posts: 16 Member
    caiteh86 wrote: »
    Just sent you a FR :) I'm 31 and 215lbs....also looking to lose around 50 or so. I've been on a roll with working out (heavy lifting and a bit of cardio) and eating fairly healthy most days since beginning of November, but I can feel my energy and motivation starting to want to slide...as usual for this time of year. :s BUT... I refuse to spend my 32nd summer on earth fat, insecure and unhappy .. I just can't do it again. I'm tired of disappointing myself.

    I like your mindset! I need to get on the ball too... I'm going to be 33 yrs old in July and you're not going to believe this but I have never, ever worn a two-piece to the beach in my entire life. I'd like to do it someday before I get old. That's my cue and motivation to push forward. I have a cruise coming up in August and I want to lose weight and wear a bathing suit without feeling horrible about myself.
  • edithmnz
    edithmnz Posts: 16 Member
    How do you add a friend? Do you need the app?

    I'm trying to figure it out too :(
  • edithmnz
    edithmnz Posts: 16 Member
    caiteh86 wrote: »
    How do you add a friend? Do you need the app?

    Click on her profile and there should be an "add friend" button. :) I don't use the app.

    I clicked on several profiles to add them and it doesn't show that option
  • sendtoharvey
    sendtoharvey Posts: 135 Member
    if you're using the app, click their name on the 2nd screen.. then the option is on the right
  • marushkamonette
    marushkamonette Posts: 5 Member
    Hey I’m new here ! Add me too... could definitely look for some motivation and support
  • Wingsont84
    Wingsont84 Posts: 335 Member
    I just want to make food taste the same as the *kitten* I use to eat, also need a strong woman to kick me off the brooze train
  • Wingsont84
    Wingsont84 Posts: 335 Member
    Lmafo auto mfp made that post just sound bad
  • shatia365
    shatia365 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there! I've been struggling for the past two years to she'd this extra maternity weight. The support from friends on the site is definitely beneficial! I haven't added friends in a while, and I'm also having issues trying to figure out how to send a request, but you any anyone else interested, please feel free to add me. It sometimes takes a village of supporters to get through this. We've got what it takes! Hope to hear from you! Best wishes :)
  • sebboogiedog
    sebboogiedog Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me also
  • lifestyle70
    lifestyle70 Posts: 126 Member
    Feel free to send a friend request if you like (open invitation to all) - I try to keep the "why" I am doing this in front of me, try to find little ways each week to improve and truly embrace the idea of a journey versus short-term outcomes. We can learn a lot about who we are when we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings and can use them to our advantage in what ever goal areas we have. Hope you all have a great week!
  • stellaell
    stellaell Posts: 9 Member
    You can add me if you like. In the same boat as you I think. I'm 33 and 213. Lost 40 pounds a couple years ago and gained 25 back. Went clothes shopping a couple weeks ago and was horrified when nothing fit and everything looked terrible on me. Quit smoking that day and started going to the gym. I'd add you but I'm not sure how to on the mfp app.
  • QueenK3115
    QueenK3115 Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me! :) I’m 27 and looking to lose 40-60. I would love to have more friends for motivation.
  • queenjacqui
    queenjacqui Posts: 2 Member
    Same here! I had downloaded this app in the past and it really helped me drop weight. 2 years later, I'm back on and wanting to lose 40-60lbs! Ideally. But I'm starting off with smaller goals, in order to not get discouraged. My 1st goal is 10lbs in the next 30 days, I started 5 days ago and am down 3lbs. Water weight or not, I'm motivated!!! Let's be friends. I just downloaded the app and would love friends on the same journey as me.