I'm sad.

I am so overwhelmed, I currently am living with my husband's family to save up money for a home and I am searching for a job with no dice so far, I am trying to keep on track with my diet but I am just so sad. I have +30 to lose and praying that I get a positive career move, and a home of my own and reach my goal. Just needing some positive vibes my way.


  • blueliss26
    blueliss26 Posts: 79 Member
    Thinking of you! Make some to-do lists so you can check things off and feel productive :smile: Work at what you want and good things will happen! Find ways to bless others while you are trying to get ahead, and surround yourself with positive people. You got this, keep the prayers going, and I will pray for you too!
  • SalmonSister
    SalmonSister Posts: 37 Member
    @blueliss26 thank you so much, I really needed that, I've applied to +45 jobs and really just feeling in the dumps with no call backs or interviews and not chosen. Not having my own space and with ppl that are not on a life change is hard, I just really need a place of our own. Life is what you make it, but today is rough.
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    How's your resume?
  • wryone4
    wryone4 Posts: 118 Member
    I am sorry that things are so hard right now. It will get easier. Hang in there - you are strong!
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    Here's how I look at these things. Life is always going to throw challenges your way. The trick to being happy is to learn how to not let the challenges derail you from your goals.

    You say you want to lose 30 lbs. Go ahead and set up MFP to lose 1 lb/wk which will give you a realistic and sustainable loss rate. Eat what it tells you to. Eat the foods you currently enjoy just less based on how many calories MFP gives you.

    Please don't try to make drastic changes to what you eat right now. You don't need the added stress nor is it at all necessary to lose weight. Forget any and all "fad" diets that tell you that eating their way is how you lose weight. The way you lose weight is to eat less than you burn. That's it.

    When your situation changes and you feel more settled, you can reassess your plan and make adjustments if needed.

    The point is that you're always going to have things going on in your life, but you get to decide how you handle them.

    All the best.
  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    I live on a farm. Sometimes a field has to be left fallow (unplanted) for a season so that it will produce more the following season. I think people are like that as well.
    Usually children have a time of difficulty right before a significant development leap.
    I too am unemployed wsiting to see what my future holds.
    I look at times such as this as a time of labor before a rebirth.
    Hang in there! Great things may be just around the corner.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Can I suggest looking into job hunting assistance, maybe at a local library or other group in your area? They can often help with resumes, cover letters, and even set up practice interviews - knowing common interview questions and having some possible answers (as well as constructive comments from other people) can really set you ahead of other candidates. You may even get some good networking in. (Sometimes hiring managers or HR folks volunteer to help.)

    Taking the job hunt out of the equation can really reduce your stress and let you focus on weight loss and your living situation.
  • snowyne
    snowyne Posts: 268 Member
    When the rest of your life seems out of your control, throw your energy into whatever you CAN control. Your living situation & job hunt are going to take time to sort out. In the meantime, focus on your weightloss goals. You may feel powerless in other areas right now, but you can be very powerful in this specific area. I know it's hard to find motivation when you're sad/frustrated/anxious, but you will gain confidence, which will lift your mood and spill over into other aspects of your life.