Thinking about fasting...



  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    I am fasting right now for Ramadan. People have been fasting forever, and I think a detox every once in a while is a great idea. With that being said, you have to be VERY careful of what your fast consists of. I'd also recommend asking a dietician if you're not at a very healthy weight before putting your own parameters on your body.

    Ramadan fasting is 30 days, no eating or drinking from sunrise (about 4:30 am) to sunset (about 8:30 pm). But once 8:30 hits, I make sure my macronutrients and water are all in check. I have a friend that doesn't follow the religious aspect but has been fasting with me for the nutritional benefits. It's common for a lot of people to not eat in the morning and then binge in the evening with tons of fried foods, which I've been keeping away from this year. I wake up every morning for "breakfast" and eat "dinner" every evening, with tons of lean protein, fruits, veggies, etc. The fast has just felt easier this way on both my mind and body.

    I don't think a month straight of only fruits & veggies is a great idea. It's a surefire way of losing muscle and hating your body the entire month. You'd be depriving your body of tons of nutrients, creating an imbalance that could very well cause uncontrollable cravings. You should not be using a fast as a way of crash dieting because if you lose the weight that quick.. you will gain it all back just as quick.

    There are some healthy fasts/detox programs out there, you just have to do your research to not fall into some highly marketed program that will leave you worse off. And/or see a health professional if its feasible.

    Good luck!
  • I'd recommend talking to your doctor before you decided to do this. Or even a nutritionist. They'd be able to advise you best.
  • SweGuy
    SweGuy Posts: 78
    What Muslims do for Ramadan, is not eating during the time when the sun is up and they eat after sundown.
  • I ate nothing but fruit and nuts for 3 years, i know a guy who did it as long as I knew him and he may still be doing it 20 years later. bananas have so many good things in them it's almost a perfect food. try it , you'll feel great. The reason i stopped eating like that was because i moved to a small island where a diverse selection of fruit was unobtainable, coconuts and pineapple were a plenty, but honeydew ,cantaloupe,plums, peaches, cherries,grapes...... no way. the mangoes were great but only when they came into season for about a month.
  • lannheue23
    lannheue23 Posts: 24 Member
    Ok thanks everyone!! It's not for a religious thing or anything...I was just thinking of a good way to start off a new healthy life and making stopping sweets and bad foods cold turkey. That's all. I will put a lot of thought into what everyone said.