
I'm almost positive I've hit a plateau, unless I drop some weight sometime between now and tomorrow morning (weigh in).

I was wondering if it would be a good idea to change my weight loss goal to 1 pound a week instead of 1.5? It is currently set for a weight loss of 1.5 pounds a week, and at least three 60 minute workouts a week.

I've been told many times to switch things up when a plateau hits, but if I did what I said above, my caloric intake daily would be 250 calories more than it is right now.

Am I making any sense? LOL. HELP ME! Thanks.


  • plussized
    plussized Posts: 72 Member
    I'm almost positive I've hit a plateau, unless I drop some weight sometime between now and tomorrow morning (weigh in).

    I was wondering if it would be a good idea to change my weight loss goal to 1 pound a week instead of 1.5? It is currently set for a weight loss of 1.5 pounds a week, and at least three 60 minute workouts a week.

    I've been told many times to switch things up when a plateau hits, but if I did what I said above, my caloric intake daily would be 250 calories more than it is right now.

    Am I making any sense? LOL. HELP ME! Thanks.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Do you trust yourself to cheat a little. Eat your Maintenance calories one day. Or you could up your exercise or try something new. I have been steady on the same calories I just switch up me routine every couple of weeks and it usually works.
  • MollysMom2005
    MollysMom2005 Posts: 58 Member
    It seems I hit plateaus quite abit, usually about every 5 or so lbs I lose. I have "tested" myself and my body to see what works for me to get over them, and here are a couple of tricks that have both worked for me in the past.

    I usually do two cardio workouts per week, two toning workouts per week, and two Pilates workouts per week. Instead of the Pilates, I do more cardio until out of the plateau.

    I have also discovered that if I allow myself to eat about 500 or so more calories over my daily limit for one or two days in a row, I hurdle over the plateau in the next day or two. Sounds kinda crazy and definitely requires some self -control and self-motivation to keep from losing myself to empty calories, but it somehow always works. I asked my doctor about it and was told sometimes your body goes into starvation mode even when you think you are eating enough.

    Another odd thing he told me....if I am craving something, I should eat it. I may be an odd ball, but some days all I want are snack foods....crackers, baked chips, even chocolate. His advice was to eat what I crave on these days....and just stay within my daily calorie limit. Otherwise, the craving will continue, and I won't ever feel satisfied. The next day, I did what he suggested....I had a normal breakfast, skipped lunch totally, had a candy bar that afternoon, and had pretzels and a bowl of orange sherbet for dinner (weird I know.) I didn't gain, and the next day, I was back to normal. I'm sure eating that way everyday would not be healthy, but every once in awhile surely won't hurt.

    Good luck!