Need urgent help please :(

Ok so im 23 year old male, who is currently underweight and trying to improve this as I have a wedding in April and I will be giving my mum away but I dont want to look like a bean pole.

I currently weigh 132lbs and 6ft1, (mega underweight). For the past 10 days ive been eatung 3k calories religiously (somewhat liquid meals due to no appetite).

In excitment and the app predicting great weig gain in 5 weeks, I went for a weigh in today, to find I havent even gained one pound and im still at 132lbs.

Does anyone have any idea what else I can do? Im taking protein shakes daily and making sure I hit my goals. I am full for most of the day!

Any advice/help would be super as im running out of ideas :(


  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited January 2018
    Can a mod please move this to the Weight gain forum for better visibility?

    You need to up your calories, what are you eating now? How active are you? What are you doing for exercise?

    If you aren't gaining then you aren't eating enough and you need to up your food. If you want fast results add 500 calories per day this week and see what happens. Are you having issues eating enough? Is your appitite supressed or are you too active or both?

    We need to get a bit more information but the key is EAT MORE.\

    ETA: ok saw some of those answer, and yes, we see this a lot. 3K should get you gaining weight unless you are way too active, which is unlikely at that weight. Make sure you are logging accurately and continue to up your calories if necessary.
  • Eelkov
    Eelkov Posts: 88 Member
    My brother in law had a similar problem. He spent years of trying to "fill out" by eating loads of calories. It didnt help. He had more luck by building muscle. I am not sure if that helps at all.
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    I have two sons like that. One is 6'3 and 130 pounds and the other is 6 feet and 137(He is broader)....
    Trust me OP, just eat normally and relax. You will be fine on your Mom's Day and I am sure she will be very proud of you.
  • AidenT94
    AidenT94 Posts: 39 Member
    Up your calories any way you can. If you normally drink 2% milk, I'd switch to whole. If you use low fat butter, switch to full fat butter, etc. Definitely work out (lifting weights especially), because muscle weighs more than fat, and also looks better on a leaner frame than fat.
  • JohnnyJames2015
    JohnnyJames2015 Posts: 2 Member
    At the moment a day will consit of two liquid meals of otas, nutella, milk, chocolate powder and weigh, average dinner is around 800cal with sandwich crips and bottle of pop, then the usual snack (not healthy as at the momemt im just focoused on filling out and want as many calories as possible.

    Activity wise would be small 9-5 office job, evening is spent doing next to nothing, the fact is I darent exercise in case I loose them valued Calories.

    I mean I could aim for 4k but it would be a lot of liquid cals. With regards to the app I always use the scanner and scales to weigh the best I can so I hope im using it correctly or that could be another reason.

    I have thought about the gym, but I would more than likely fracture my wrist just by looking at the gym!

    With reaserch it did say stress and fidgit could make weught gain harder.

    Either way I agree she will be proud. I just dint want to look back at pictures in 10 years and see how underweight I was haha
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Fidgeting isn't going to burn that many calories, generally around 100 or so per day, but you have a sedentary job so it's not going to be a huge difference. I think you might be rushing this way to fast though.

    I think you should talk to registered dietition, particularly about your inability to eat solid foods. Good luck to you.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I suggest three solid meals a day and sipping the shakes in between. Crisps/fries with your sammich. Try adding a couple tablespoons cooking oil to your shakes.
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    Try meditation, mostly to reduce stress and stop worrying about your appearance. force feeding could make you feel miserable, and if your suit is tailored to suit you it shouldn't make you feel like a beanpole. Plus look into strength training if you want to fill out, you start slowly and build up so shouldn't injure yourself that way
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    I can't understand why people are telling this young man to eat heavy foods? Yes, he is underweight, but he is also young. He will fill out and better to know how to eat properly now than eat French fries and shakes all day long.
    I have been in his boat until I was in my 30's and then I had kids and now learning to eat healthy for the 1st time in my life to lose.
    I get that you think people will think you will look thin....Been there and heard it too many times. BUT, if you learn to eat healthy now, you will be a healthy thin the rest of your life.