Looking for accountability partners!



  • susieqreyes
    susieqreyes Posts: 2 Member
    Again... pretty new to this... how do we all add each other??? Lol
  • KarenZappa
    KarenZappa Posts: 20 Member
    I've been here a few times over the years,but I'm in it for the long haul this time! I plan on losing at least 75 pounds. Feel free to add me!
    AKCKAT Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to be added too! Just started one week ago and have made good progress but some friends would help! Thanks!
  • khadl07
    khadl07 Posts: 42 Member
    I would love to have you ladies as accountability partners. I am 29 with so much more life to live. I have 160lbs to lose and I am extremely motivated and in for the long haul. I have done some research and learn more every day. I log my meals and currently I'm at 12 days in a row! #thisismyyear #lovemyself
  • GoalGal50
    GoalGal50 Posts: 90 Member
    I’m around the block again too!! Lol, this is my second go at it, but this time I really want to use app the correct way. I wasn’t that invested the first time around.

    Count me in!!! I guess we should all be ‘friends’ right?

    For the vets, lol, please help me with the calorie think. When I first started it had me on 800 calories a day for 3 days, which was fine with me. Now it has me on 1800, way too much food to create a deficit. Should I stick to my 800?
  • DisneyVeganLove
    DisneyVeganLove Posts: 112 Member
    Berr9478 wrote: »
    I’m looking to get more people in my feed to serve as accountability partners. I’m looking to stick to this day after day!

    I am here everyday! Add me as a friend I need the support!

  • times60
    times60 Posts: 204 Member
    Add me please. Love the idea. Need that too
  • JuneyCleaves
    JuneyCleaves Posts: 92 Member
    Please feel free to join our support/accountability group!
    We formed in January and are looking for COMMITTED members who will show up for themselves, and for others, every day!

    You don't have to be perfect.
    You don't have to have a perfectly laid out plan.
    But you DO need to commit to yourself, and commit to your fellow support group by showing up and checking in every day.

    Honest. Humbling.
    Compassion without comparison.

    Have a look and see if it's for you :)
    Best wishes!
