how much weight have you lost



  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    6 of my pounds were prior to MFP by watching calories......the other 23lbs have been since I started here jan 1st.....with the use of the site,support ,tools its much easier to stick to and remember my goals....MFP fills in where I dont have support elsewhere..thanks guys!!
  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    I lost 6 lbs the week before I started with MPF. I actually found this place because I was "googling" how many calories were in a montana's veggie burger and this site came up. The ticker shows everything up until now. I truely believe i wouldnt have been so successful with the rest of the weight if it wasnt for this site!!
    174 was not my heaviest, which is what was the week before going on here. I was in the 180's a few years ago...but this site has given me the proper tools to do this right and once and for all!!!!

    I totally agree--this site is great! it is right up my alley == being on the computer every night. I have told so many people about this site. I have never really TRIED before but "If every day were like today" you will be x weight in 5 weeks has me totally hooked!! PLUS I love reading the posts!
    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • plussizemommy
    okay i have no clue how you guys get your tickers to show up. but, i have lost 14 pounds since january 5th!!
  • MollySue30
    MollySue30 Posts: 288 Member
    I have been up and down since October of last year. The most I have lost is 15 but I keep going up and down, I have to get my brain back on track. I am down 10 right now but it is a hard long process. I think it is a big mind challenge for me right now. I am happy it is getting a little warmer out so that I can get my big butt outside.

    I am trying my best and each day is a new start for me.
  • sarah21
    sarah21 Posts: 30 Member
    Iv lost a few lbs. but i have been stuck on the same weight for a long time it seems. Once you reach a certain weight it gets harder and harder to lose more weight. Iv been doing good lately though.
    Iv been working out more and eating less these past few weeks.
    That comes along with bad digestion though :grumble:
    & so i hate going places outside my house cuz i never know when ill have to go to the bathroom like right at THAT moment. It's not good. :embarassed:


    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    In total 535 - 370= 165lbs. On MFP 21 lbs since January 5th when I started back to school.

    Created by - Free Food Diary

    My favorite post for answers:
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    prior to coming here I had lost almost 50lbs, plus what is on my ticker!
  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    I in the past would lose maybe 5 or 10 lbs and then gain it all back and then some. My weight on my ticker is the weight I've lost since I joined MFP since Jan 1st.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    31.4 lbs prior started my Journey Jan 2008.
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    I joined MFP a long time ago as it says Dec 07 at 169 and then stopped. I went up to 171 or dare I say more. Since July 2008 I lost a nice slow steady 21 lbs plus the two I never admitted to the site I went up out of pure shame I just waited until I was under again to check in. :embarassed:
  • rachel92782
    Before joining MFP (today) :happy: I had already lost about 35 lbs since last summer. I started around 195 and I'm STUCK at 160 now. :grumble: I've been stuck at 160 or 161 for a little over 3 wks so we'll see if MFP can help me like you guys say it can.