Hello Everyone


I'm Anna, I'm 22 years old and ready to make a change in my life. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA but recently moved to Utah. My parents found their dream house to retire in and I went with them [I had no other place to go].

I'm working on moving back to California [I'm a licensed hair stylist in CA] but as of right now I'm enjoying the time I have with my parents [and our new puppy, Olive]

My friends and boyfriend still live in CA and I go visit them about every other month.

I recently disabled my Facebook, I became obsessed with comparing other peoples life to mine and it was getting out of hand. Now that it's disabled I can spend time on me and getting my life back together.

Anyway, the reason I want to loose weight is because I used to be a gymnast [first] and a cheerleader [second] and I am no where near the body I used to have. I lived in my cheer gym 6 days a week/19 hours a week. I was on my high school cheer and competition team and on a local all-star team. I worked very hard to get that healthy body I had and now that I do not have it I want it back and fast.

I hope this gives y'all some insight into who I am.
