Set apart for God's glory.

31Proverbs1717 Posts: 6 Member
edited January 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm 110 pounds overweight. I know the scale said 250, but I still deceived myself. Then I saw pictures of myself and I could see I'm much bigger than then what I see in the mirror. Much older looking. Pr 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; But the kisses of an enemy are profuse.


  • 31Proverbs1717
    31Proverbs1717 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, I need to get moving more. I'm so tired by this time of day.
  • 31Proverbs1717
    31Proverbs1717 Posts: 6 Member
    Many people don't know how to talk about it with loved ones or they're worried about making things worse by potentially hurting your feelings and damaging the relationship.

    Are you wanting to lose some weight now? There are some great tools here and a community of people to help out.

  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    I feel God as well as his Son have a sense of humor and humor is what gets us thru the hardest of instances in life. You can choose to laugh as yourself and carry on or you can be frozen in indignation!
    OP the Lord has lead you.....take the reigns and carry on.