Calories and being ill

kellyannonk Posts: 2 Member
Hi guys I’m counting my calories but I have been sick today due to a bad cough. I feel like I’m so hungry. But had half my
Calories by the time I was sick. Had my dinner and still feel hungry. What would u do


  • W8WarI
    W8WarI Posts: 567 Member
    edited January 2018
    If your goal's to rid yourself of excess weight, cease until you heal by consuming at maintenance calories; the same goes for other situations like broken bones, etcetera!
  • rachel780mpg
    rachel780mpg Posts: 83 Member
    Feed a fever and starve a cold. Thats what grandma said.
  • kellyannonk
    kellyannonk Posts: 2 Member
    Been to Drs and I have a chest infection so now on antibiotics. Just dnt want to feel bad about having extra calories as I’m doing so well and lost 2.5kg in a week
  • W8WarI
    W8WarI Posts: 567 Member
    edited January 2018
    Been to Drs and I have a chest infection so now on antibiotics. Just dnt want to feel bad about having extra calories as I’m doing so well and lost 2.5kg in a week

    While understandable, healing & ASAP's what, takes priority!
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Rest, sleep, and eat at maintenance. Your body needs energy to heal.
  • gvizzle74
    gvizzle74 Posts: 123 Member
    your body needs fuel to heal - if it's not getting enough fuel, it will take longer to heal. eat at maintenance and you'll likely recover sooner
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    What would I do?
    I wouldn't worry about it, one day of eating more than you plan to isn't going to make a big difference. It might just be today that you are hungrier than usual.
    Eat what you want and get back on track tomorrow. And eat at maintenance until you feel better.