Starting a Streak

So I have a great collection of workout DVDs...Got some Jillian, got some Richard, got some Leslie...all types. I did Richard Simmons yesterday and a Leslie Sansone today.

I am going to try to do a DVD a day! See how long my streak will go on for!

2 days so far!


  • MaggieP86
    Huzzah for streaks! I've gone to the gym 3 days in a row now, I'm trying to do at least 15-25 min of working out every day. It's so low because on 'rest' days I want to at least take a short walk :)

    Good luck on yours!
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    I am excited to see how much I will lose come Friday. I am starting to understand you have to put effort into things to get results! To not settle for 1 pound when you KNOW if you had done this or not eaten that, that it could easily have been a 5 pound loss.
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    I am on a streak walking my dogs every day. Now, they can't wait to walk after dinner! And I notice I lose more weight every week too. So yeah, more effort does equal more results.You are so very right about that. Good for you to be doing the DVD's. That is a GREAT way to work out!
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Hehe when I saw the topic I thought we were going streaking :D lololol!

    Good luck :) I need to be exercising more :\ Keep saying I'm going to and then the end of the day is just over ><
  • chynafox
    chynafox Posts: 30
    I am excited to see how much I will lose come Friday. I am starting to understand you have to put effort into things to get results! To not settle for 1 pound when you KNOW if you had done this or not eaten that, that it could easily have been a 5 pound loss.

    I love this SO much. :)
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    I am excited to see how much I will lose come Friday. I am starting to understand you have to put effort into things to get results! To not settle for 1 pound when you KNOW if you had done this or not eaten that, that it could easily have been a 5 pound loss.

    Exactly, you are your own coach and instructor. You are the lone person responsible for your success or failure, and if you keep on the track you are, success will be yours in no-time :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Bump - because streaking is good :)
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    4 days y'all!!! Done 3 miles with Leslie Sansone so far! See my August goals in my ticker??? yeah yeah!
  • MaggieP86
    Yay for Streaks!

    I missed my gym time yesterday, but walked for about 15 min at work on a break. I figure it's not great, but better than nothing.

    Can't wait, tonight is my last night of my graveyard job, then it's goodbye moon, hello Sunshine after 2 years. I know people who work overnight are statistically more likely to gain weight, that's sure been true for me. I hope the reverse will help me lose :)