Scale difference?

So, since I've started using MFP, I've been using one scale.. Well, it broke... So I had to go out and buy a new scale... Thing is, it's saying I'm 10 pounds less than the last time I weighed myself, maybe four days ago.... What can I do? I don't want to log in this weight nd have it LOOK like I lost more weight this week than i did.


  • PositiveGoals
    But maybe you did??? Or maybe the old scale was incorrect. Either way, update your weight. Then when it posts, put a comment under it on your home page stating what happened.
  • av8rblond
    av8rblond Posts: 140
    Just accept it as a karmic bonus and move rock!
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    Lucky you! I weighed myself on my sister-in-law's scale, and then my gym finally got one, and the gym scale weighs me 10 pounds HEAVIER!!! I wanted to cry! :-)

    Enjoy the new lower number!
  • heatherisms
    Thanks guys!!!!! I think I will just register the new weight and add a comment under it.