Looking for motivating friends for this journey

vajoseph Posts: 14 Member
Hi Everyone!

I've been a member of this website since 2010 and I've never been a consistent user. I lost 30lbs in 2013, but I wasn't able to keep it off. I'm back again and trying to be honest and committed to this journey. I'm starting to feel all the physical aches and pains (and the emotional fatigue) that comes with being overweight and approaching 30. I'm tired of being the one that quit. I'm tired of ignoring how much I'm eating and how little I'm exercising. I'm ready to take charge. That said, I'm looking for friends on the same path. Add me!


  • geordiegirl1892
    geordiegirl1892 Posts: 54 Member
    hi feel free to add me. I log on a daily basis and currently on 2224 days and would love to follow your journey
  • LVBLosingLBS
    LVBLosingLBS Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! I have a similar story. I’ve also been on and off this site since around 2010. I also dropped weight in 2013, and then for me a lot of life happened and I gained it back (and then quite a bit more). And I’m also approaching 30! (Well I’ll be 29 in March so 30 is not far off). Happy to be friends and motivate each other to keep at it!
  • Shugahhfatt
    Shugahhfatt Posts: 73 Member
    lets get it!!!!!
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I also lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago. Medications were changed, motivations got derailed and well it's back. Not back and then some, thankfully, just back.