Cool fitness gizmos?

I have two that I love to death:

The Nike +iPod Sensor and App (I did not buy the Nike shoes- I just put the sensor on my own sneakers! There is a little velcro pocket you can buy that will attach the sensor to any shoes- yippie for saving some bucks!)
This little guy has paid for itself with tons and tons of outdoor workout sessions. It gives great feedback on distance, time, calories burned, etc. I think they have gone down in price and are only about $20!

The Fuel Belt by Helium. (It's a belt that holds your water bottles and has a pocket for money or keys, etc).
They are super comfy and the one I bought holds 16oz of water in two 8oz bottles! Not bad at all. It frees up my hands for walks, which I love! I bought a cute pink one and have already used it twice- it works wonderfully! I bought it on eBay for $10!

Do you have any cool things that you use? Please share! I'd love to read about them!


  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
  • 623Hernandez
  • joyse
    joyse Posts: 10 Member
    The Nike+ app is great! But it is waay too addicting! I used to get so into those challenges etc that I started running 60-70 km per week and was bound to get an injury. I stopped participating and now I just use it occasionally. I really like the encouragment when you are getting near to your goal.
    Another app I like a lot is Pic Healthy. You just snap a photo of what you eat and then people rate it. It is really nice and simple. Then you get an overall healthy score.
    And what I really love is my Nike jump rope! It is amazing, so easy to use. You can jump really quick, just have to get the length right.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    A Smartphone would be my number one exercise gadget. I can track my calories thanks to MFP, I can track and schedule my workouts and my sets thanks to Jefit and 90Droid, I can monitor my heart rate with the Polar Bluetooth HRM, I can track my route with GPS & Sport Tracker or Runkeeper, and finally I can take photos of my progress! :)
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    Heehehehe, I haven't figured out all of the ways to use the gadget...But, what I do use it for- tracking distance and calories is also addictive!
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    I agree!!! Lovin' my iPhone!