Keto, anyone?



  • ikeandmike1212
    ikeandmike1212 Posts: 77 Member
    Good morning Klisajo,

    It seems like you're off to a good start. The real key to success is preparation. My biggest piece of advice is to cook your meat choices and other items ahead on the weekends, then during the weekdays, you'll only have to stem veggies or make quick salads. The foods you should be eating on Keto are not generally available at fast food joints. Plus, when you cook your own food, you know what been put into it. Getting caught unprepared will almost definitely lead you to eat things you shouldn't be eating at this time. Just as a note, your initial weight loss will be comprised of quite a bite of water; it can be dramatic. If you continue, this will level off so that if you loose one-two pounds/week, that's on target.
    Friend me if you'd like!
  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    I started jan 16th , Keto i am diabetic , and need to lose like 200 pounds , I too am in the south and food here is so full of breads and carbs and gravies , and always hungry . since I have been doing this I am not as hungry , I can go hours now , where before I couldn't go 2 hours without eating . OH I make those Fat Bombs too , so wonderful . sometimes that is all I will have for lunch . is 2 of those . MY blood sugar levels are down to normal ranges and I know I am losing weight , but I have not weighed in yet. I will maybe friday . I know what I weighed when I started soo.... fingers crossed LOL I would love your Bread recipe , I have been buying bagels from THINSLIM on-line low carb foods , they also do brownies and muffins . but I just buy the bagels . I also do the flat-out flat breads I buy at the store . net carbs 3 for 1 flatbread and they are big . Please add me if ya want !!!!
  • RioB07
    RioB07 Posts: 3 Member
    Your story is very encouraging to a Keto newbie like myself!! Keep it up and I can't wait to see results of my own :)
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Good morning Klisajo,

    It seems like you're off to a good start. The real key to success is preparation. My biggest piece of advice is to cook your meat choices and other items ahead on the weekends, then during the weekdays, you'll only have to stem veggies or make quick salads. The foods you should be eating on Keto are not generally available at fast food joints. Plus, when you cook your own food, you know what been put into it. Getting caught unprepared will almost definitely lead you to eat things you shouldn't be eating at this time. Just as a note, your initial weight loss will be comprised of quite a bite of water; it can be dramatic. If you continue, this will level off so that if you loose one-two pounds/week, that's on target.
    Friend me if you'd like!

    actually you can get a chicken sandwich not breaded or a burger without the bun. some places offer it wrapped in that would be low carb/keto. kfc offers grilled chicken now, you can eat out at fast food places and eat keto if you omit the bread or any breading,as well as the fries and get a small side salad with oil and vinegar or a vinaigrette .just add mayo or things like that for the fat
  • Lauratwest
    Lauratwest Posts: 13 Member
    3 and a half months into this way of eating and I'm down 51 lbs. I'm healthier than ever and have so much energy. It's amazing and I only wish I'd discovered keto years ago
  • texanintokyo
    texanintokyo Posts: 278 Member
  • texanintokyo
    texanintokyo Posts: 278 Member
  • I restarted me to today. I know this is what works for me.