Need to lose over 100 lbs; looking for supportive and motivational friends!

Hello! My name is Anna. I'm 49 years old, married with 3 adult children. I work full time as a lead receptionist/medical secretary. I am a Christian and am a member of Lucinda Baptist Church. I have struggled with my weight all my adult life. I have done about every diet known to man; most recent was weight watchers but I just couldn't get on track with their plan and doing the points and stuff. So I cancelled my membership and started back with myfitnesspal a week ago. My daughter and I joined Planet Fitness (but we haven't been able to go yet because of weather and our work schedules) but hopefully can go soon.

My goal weight is 175 lbs and my weight today was 288.5 lbs (down 9 lbs so far). I would love to have friends who have a lot of weight to lose or have lost a significant amount of weight and can motivate me to keep going. Right now my motivation is pretty strong but I know that wont last forever and I will be wanting to quit at some point but I need to get this weight off. I will be 50 in September and will have to get my license redone and it would be nice to actually weigh what my license says (or closer to

So add me as friends and we can encourage and motivate each other! Thanks and God Bless!


  • tmt22376
    tmt22376 Posts: 1 Member
    We have very similar goals.... My highest weight was 296...currently 256. I lost a total of 65 pounds about two years ago but last year I had a lot of setbacks. I'm 15 pounds away from getting back to my original weight loss. This past month I have worked very hard to get back on track. I don't follow any particular diet as that has never worked for me long term. I am trying to improve my overall eating habits and that along with more activity (mostly walking) has been the most successful changes for me. I can always use a friend to keep each other motivated. I wish you the very best on your weight loss journey :)!
  • parsons392
    parsons392 Posts: 1 Member
    Same guys I’m currently 272lbs and looking to shed 100 of that off throughout the year.
    Tried SlimmingWorld a few years back but like you Anna couldn’t keep to it. Joined this place in hope of meeting like minded people to learn off and help/support me with this journey
  • krissywashington79
    I started at 286 and I’m now down to 245. I still have 80lbs to go but I’m committed to the long haul. I’m losing in average of 1.5-2lbs a week.