first timer

Hey All,

Well i decided to bit the bullet and shift this excess weight I have accumulated over the past 3 yrs while working full time and doing my degree, its amazing how you don't notice it creeping up on you until you actually have time to stop and look at yourself in the mirror.

I look at myself and wonder who's body i'm in cause this sure as hell does not belong to me. so If anyone out there is on a mission to loose 50 lbs + I would be delighted to buddy up with you, any motivation i can get will help as I have a habit of having great intentions but unless I see the results I loose will power, so I need someone to talk be away from the cookie jar when I feel frustrated, and I promise to do the same.

good luck to everyone who is taking back control.
Lynda x


  • mrchunky
    mrchunky Posts: 18
    Good luck on you journey! You will be looked after on here!
  • Ladytulip
    Ladytulip Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks a million, I hope I can offer the same support to others :)