What is your opinion of Weight Watchers?

I would like the opinion of anyone who is on Weight Watchers or has ever been on it. I am considering trying it again, but am unsure if it is the best option for me at this point.

About six years ago, I lost almost twenty pounds on WW and kept it off for some time. At the time I lost it, I was working as a janitor and so was basically walking six to eight hours per day, in addition to going to the gym, which I think helped me greatly to lose weight.

I’ve since become an accountant with a desk job and have gained about thirty pounds in the last three years. I’ve been exercising much more regularly for the last couple of months, like 3-5 days per week, but I find that I get frustrated after just a few days on a diet; it’s hard for me to function when my blood sugar is low and I hate feeling hungry. I’ve tried the South Beach diet, but the phase 1 portion is hard for me to follow; it’s so monotonous and heavy on meat and dairy and I just get bored and feel generally bad after a few days.

So I’ve been considering trying WW again. I don’t really want to pay money if it’s unlikely that I’ll get good results, though, and I have heard mixed reviews. I also think it’s changed since I was on it. I would love to hear the opinions of people who have tried it or who have had success with something else. Thank you so much for reading this and for sharing your thoughts. Have a great day :)


  • trapperwv1
    trapperwv1 Posts: 1 Member
    Works good but don't need added expense and time for the meetings even though that keeps it in your head. This is cheaper and less time consuming.
  • remoore23
    remoore23 Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you for your thoughts. I guess the reason I would think of doing WW rather than MFP is that WW kind of takes some of the guesswork out of what to eat and how much to exercise. One thing I remember liking was that it was easy to tell how much of a given food I should eat because its point value correlated directly with its healthfulness and usefulness in the diet. It led me to eat in ways I wouldn't normally, such as eating half a jar of unsweetened applesauce with a spoon when I felt really hungry but didn't want to use extra points on a snack, that I felt like were helpful. When I did it before, I actually did it entirely by myself, online, and never went to meetings. I guess I've just been frustrated that I can't seem to find the magic combination of food and exercise that allows me to lose weight without becoming uncontrollably hungry and uncomfortable. I can lose two or three pounds, but then I just start to feel extremely hungry and deprived all the time. Anyway, thank you once again for reading this and sharing your thoughts.
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    All I know is that when I did Weight Watchers I felt like I was starving all the time. For some reason, I don't feel that way using MPF and tracking my calories.
  • shagerty777
    shagerty777 Posts: 185 Member
    Find the Macros Inc group on Facebook, ask to join and never look at weight loss as "dieting" again! You'll find it similar to MFP (most of us use MFP as a tracker) but with food breakdowns that are realistic and not nearly as whacked as what you get here.
  • Ziggy2875
    Ziggy2875 Posts: 28 Member
    I used to like the old versions of weight watchers, part of the reason was there was no forbidden foods if you counted points, but the last two versions changed that you are punished for eating a piece of chocolate once in a while because of how many points it cost. If I eat a piece of chocolate or other junk food by counting calories, yes it uses calories but not to the extent of points that it cost with the newer version of WW. Don't get me wrong that I eat junk food all the time but once in awhile yes I want a piece of chocolate or a chicken wing.
  • LZMiner
    LZMiner Posts: 300 Member
    Great program. Taught me how to eat sensibly...portion size and making good choices. Sadly, they don't have as comprehensive a data base as MFP and they're pricey for what you get. I did meetings and etools 10 years ago...loved it, lost 25 lbs and kept it off for 7 years. Then my weight crept up, 10 lbs and I rejoined. Lost again, but was spending so much $$ for meetings where the leader spent half the time telling us we needed more members or we wouldnt have a meeting. I can be accountable on my own now, and live the extra support from MFP.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    good for starting off, but i think after a year maybe most people could switch to calorie counting without spending so much $$$
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    remoore23 wrote: »
    Thank you for your thoughts. I guess the reason I would think of doing WW rather than MFP is that WW kind of takes some of the guesswork out of what to eat and how much to exercise. .

    There is no guesswork with mfp.
  • taluch75
    taluch75 Posts: 6 Member
    WW= waste of money.....not a long term deal
  • taluch75
    taluch75 Posts: 6 Member
    They don't teach you how to eat in a long term.....just about the money$
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,071 Member
    I think WW is expensive and I don't like spending money and I don't have time for meetings.

    However if people feel it is worth it to have real life personal support and enjoy the social aspect of doing it together, then the program itself is a reasonable approach.