Getting discouraged :(

Hello ... I am having a hard time with my dieting I cannot seem to get my calories right.:sad: :grumble: Ive been doing MFP for like three wks . I am on day 6 of the ripped in 30 and also have been doing spinning . No weight l;oss im hoping someone can help me out. I feel stuck. I read alot of posts on here and everyone is so sweet and positive, so i decided to come out of my shell and hope to add some friends :). Thanks for reading, hope to hear some feedback .


  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
    I've been having the same problem. Been here for almost a month now and went from being a couch potato and eating all day to working out and monitoring my calories and haven't lost anything! In fact i've been gaining. Its been so frustrating!
  • 46and2
    46and2 Posts: 167
    Hope things turn around for you. I'm sure it's something small you may be overlooking. Feel free to add if you need some encouragement!
  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    Don't be discouraged. It takes time to get everything to "click". Trust me... you'll be okay.

    How many calories are your trying to stick to each day? Where specifically are you struggling--carbs, total calories, etc?

    We are here for you... and I think you made the right decision. Diet-buddies help give you encouragement, advice, and even a shoulder when you need it! :flowerforyou:
  • maritza327
    maritza327 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Savannah,

    I just recently joined my fitness pay...and I think it is a great tool!! Nice to meet you. Don't get discouraged at are doing great!!

    I sounds to me that between The Getting Ripped and Spinning you are doing a great deal of exercise, but you are also building muscle. I took spin for many many years and I remember in the very beginning I actually gained some weight because I was building my leg and *kitten* muscles.

    Being that muscle does weigh more that fat, you may see an increase in your actual weight, but I would not go by how much you weigh, sweetie. Go by how your closes fit and how many inches you have lost.

  • andrewharman
    andrewharman Posts: 31 Member
    Hi There, I know it's easy to lose motivation when you're working hard and the scales aren't moving, but you've got to keep going.

    You mention that you're struggling to get your calories right, I don't understand, are you eating too much or not eating enough?

    If you want to add me as a friend, please do I may be able to pass on some of the things I have picked up!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If I net 1,200 calories a day, I do not lose weight.

    I followed Weight Watchers (not the current program) and lost great. Then I decided to count calories, and I couldn't do it. I finally compared my WW menus to the calories I was eating and realized I need to net 1,000 or fewer calories to show steady, regular losses. I tend to eat about 1,500 calories a day, but exercise off enough to net 1,000 or less.

    You may simply be eating too much.

    Also, make sure you are weighing/measuring ALL your food so you're calculating it correctly.
  • psychofied
    psychofied Posts: 138
    I know how you feel! I hope we can be friends and help each other. :)
  • Hailee61502
    Hailee61502 Posts: 3 Member
    Everyone has times where they feel discouraged and beaten down. There are lots of times I feel like there's no point in trying. Then I remember the reasons WHY i'm doing this and I keep going. You may want to change your diet up a little bit, or if you've been doing the same exercise...change it up a little. If you're weight training-remember muscle weighs more than fat. Make sure you're measuring yourself too. I couldn't see in weight right away but inches showed rather quickly. How do your clothes fit on you? Trust multiple points in your weight loss you'll have these plateau's. I've lost 45lbs so far and am stuck at 176lbs. I want so desperately to get in the 160's but everytime I get close, I do something to gain weight (like the last two days eating cake, oreos and pizza!). This website has provided me with a great support system. Together we can do it!! Hang in there...You'll do amazing things!

    Blessed more than I deserve to be!
    Hailee Lauritzen
  • jennfisher13
    jennfisher13 Posts: 50 Member
    What is your calorie goal set at by MFP? Are you eating your exercise calories back? What was your eating lifestyle before you decided to get healthy. Unfortunately sometimes this is not factored in with your goals. For example if your average daily caloric intake was 3500 calories before you decided to change your lifestyle and then MFP set you at 1290 it may have been too much too quick. Your body is protesting because it feels like you are starving it. Try to adjust your calories a little... bump them up and make sure that if you burn you eat!!! Best of luck to you!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    You should make sure you're not having too much of other things like sodium and fat. Some people make the mistake of not keeping track of these along with the calories.

    Keep going! You will lose eventually, it's just a case of finding what's right for you.
  • 2tired2think
    2tired2think Posts: 36 Member
    I am getting discouraged also, so today I decided to take my measurements and enter those as well as my current weight. I feel a lot better this week after using MFP and working out the past two weeks, but for some reason I have gained a pound. I bet if I had taken my measurements two weeks ago though I would have seen a reduction there!
  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    i had the same problem. i kept at it, and it was like one day i woke up and LOOKED so much thinner. your body will catch up to your healthy habits.. stick with it. the reward is totally worth the hard work. :)
  • savannah111
    savannah111 Posts: 6 Member
    Ahhh Thank you to all of ya Im already feeling good again . Im not giving up , it s just getting frustrating Ive never had to watch what i eat and this is all very new to me. I have cut out soda, junk food even chocolate ! Thats a big one for me . I cook really good healthy meals and so on. I look forward to adding you guys and hearing your feed back ! Thankyou !!
  • jnsouthern
    jnsouthern Posts: 2 Member
    Today is my first day to blog also. i am not normally a blogger but I thought since I was at a standstill for the last few weeks I would get on and just see what others are doing. I joined MFP in February and have lost a total of 32 pounds. All I did for several months is stick to the calorie intake it suggest. I do not have a lot of spare time to exercise nor do I understand all the correct food habits we should have. I am now trying to swim and do some light walking. Keep in mind if you are exercising like you say that you are building muscle and muscle weighs more. So you may actually gain some before losing. ONe thing I suggest is to take measurements of your body. My daughter does not lose weight easily but she does lose more inches. For her to see she is losing inches even though there is no weight loss it encourages her to keep at it. Hope this helps!!
  • wayne4825
    wayne4825 Posts: 166 Member
    Don't get discouraged, there are plenty of people on this site to help you through the tough spots. I have my gf that keeps me motivated. How much cardio are you doing? I pretty much have done strictly cardio. I've done crunches and push ups some but not as much as cardio. Over the last 4 days I've walked over 20 miles, I enjoy hiking and I'm fixing to try to start biking to work ( depending on the heat anyway ). Try something different. Are you bored with your routine? I try to find new places to trek through so I don't get bored with mine. Hope you get the motivation you need. Just keep pushing and pushing. Friend me if you would like :D
  • angelapiedmont
    Hang in there. You may be gaining muscle which weights more than fat. How are your clothes fitting? I just started the program (again) 3 days ago. I had gotted discouraged, and also a bit lazy. At my annual physical I had to weigh in and realized I needed a change. I also need all the encouragement I can get. What really motivates me is seeing how others are succeeding, and when people post before and after pictures I really get excited. We CAN do this. And we ARE worth it. Angela:smile:
  • montyturner

    NOt to be crude, but I can gain or lose a pound in one visit to the bathroom! As someone else has said, it's not just about the weight, it's the inches on the tape measure - muscle is leaner and takes up less space than fat but weighs more so you could be a whole dress size smaller than someone else who is the same height and same weight! Also, your BMI will be reducing as you build muscle and therefore your health improving. Don't just look to one measurement for success. They all count.

    Bottom line... Are you sleeping better? Waking more refreshed? Skin starting to glow? All these factors indicate you're in better HEALTH and that's got to be encouraging.

    Keep going, your body will catch up with you and start to respond. At the moment it's thinking 'what they heck is going on?' but will soon adjust if you stick to it.

  • reagan612002
    When we try to lose weight we expect immediate results on the scale and thats not always the case. Occasionally we will see results in other areas (or more than likely we wont notice the results because we see ourselves all the time). First, start meausing yourself. I noticed that I was not losing weight, however, my pant seemed looser. Not much but a little, then I noticed my thigh muscles were harder (I run alot now). Muscle weighs more than fat, plus lean muscle increases your fat burn 25% so get a lot of it.
    I also found that I got a few comments on how the weight loss was noticable to others. I see myself everyday and dont notice it. Without affirmation from the scale (muscle gain stopped that) it was friends and my measurements that made me keep pushing.
    No matter what, dont give up! Anything worth having is worth working for, and good things are more work than bad things. Push forward and picture yourself 6 months from now.
  • savannah111
    savannah111 Posts: 6 Member
    Funny..... because my husband also said to me your probly gaining muscle and i was like ahhhgggg i just want to fit back into my favorite jeans !! And look great at 40 !!!! Thankyou !!
  • savannah111
    savannah111 Posts: 6 Member
    Thankyou ! And im an not giving up !!:) I have takin measurements, I wasnt to happy with what i saw the first time.... I think thats what else kinda got me down but it also was a reality check ;)]

    NOt to be crude, but I can gain or lose a pound in one visit to the bathroom! As someone else has said, it's not just about the weight, it's the inches on the tape measure - muscle is leaner and takes up less space than fat but weighs more so you could be a whole dress size smaller than someone else who is the same height and same weight! Also, your BMI will be reducing as you build muscle and therefore your health improving. Don't just look to one measurement for success. They all count.

    Bottom line... Are you sleeping better? Waking more refreshed? Skin starting to glow? All these factors indicate you're in better HEALTH and that's got to be encouraging.

    Keep going, your body will catch up with you and start to respond. At the moment it's thinking 'what they heck is going on?' but will soon adjust if you stick to it.
