How many times have you failed (gain weight back) and had to start again?



  • Iwantahealthierme30
    I lost 35 pounds in 2010 from hypothyroidism (couldn't eat without feeling sick) and thought I was too skinny for my breast size at 180 (my back hurt) so I tried to gain 10 pounds and it all came back.

    Trying to go down to 160 now (slowly), once there I'll reassess
  • fatnutjob
    fatnutjob Posts: 20 Member
    I've been on mfp since 2011. I'm only 20lbs down from where I started. I've gained back the weight so many times I suffer binge eating disorder.
  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 331 Member
    Too many times to count. I lost over 100 pounds on my own. Gained it back. Had surgery lost 70 pounds. Gained it back with reinforcements. Lost 60 gained back 50. Currently on my umpteeth time.
  • ElC_76
    ElC_76 Posts: 3,054 Member
    lost count.. haha .. i fight the with my confidence now
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    3 or so times I’ve lost ~15lbs and gained it back and then some. First time was just due to activity and not intentionally, but I liked it and didn’t keep up with the activeness. Another time I just tried going for runs as well. Didn’t know how else to lose weight.

    I got mfp in 2016, and lost 15-20 and gained it back. It worked for a while but my cals kept creeping up and then I gave up entirely. Like another poster I got distracted by life: injury, school, etc. In 2017 I tried IF 5:2 for a bit and then just cal counting again. Similar loss. But what’d ya know I gained it back and I was at my highest ever weight by 2018.

    Now I’ve lost a similar amount and I’m so scared because I see my calories going up a little. I don’t want it to be another failed attempt.
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    I'm on my third and last round. I did it once in my late 20's, once in my early 40's, and now again at 56. I think I understand my mistakes this time around. Each time I'm talking about losing more than 65 pounds.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    edited May 2018
    I have lost 63 pounds. This is the second time I have lost over 60 and the first time it was a low spike and only once did I see a weight that was over 60 from starting weight. This time i have been 63 pounds down for about 2 months and I am more committed to keeping it off and I am continuing to track and treating maintenance much like losing, which I didn't do before. I ate the things I like to eat while losing and track calories to know to limit portions and know when to stop. I didn't do that before; I ate differently while losing and then went back to old habits.

    One other time, about 35 years ago, I lost close to 50 pounds. That was the first time I put on serious weight as an adult and it spooked me me. I kept most of it off for close to 20 years. In the past 15 years, I have lost track of how many times I lost 5-15 pounds only to gain it back. I always did it with restrictive diets and I always tried to eat "normal" again and just not overeat. It never worked.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    In my 20s and 30s I couldn't count the times I lost and regained. Thank goodness I found MFP in 2012, I never looked back and have been in maintenance since 2013. Before when I lost it was due to fad diets or extreme diets that weren't sustainable. Now I eat all the foods but I take in no more than I burn = maintenance.
  • bikecheryl
    bikecheryl Posts: 1,432 Member
    I don't know how many times I said to myself "I want to lose weight, I hate being this heavy."

    But honestly, I've only ever said "I WILL LOSE WEIGHT" twice.

    This is my story:

    Committing to it is the hardest part !!

  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    I've varied between a 10 lb range since I was in my early 20s, and am in my mid 40s now. (Except three pregnancies.) I think some people might technically call that "maintenance," but I've tried a variety of approaches when hitting the top of my range to get back down to the bottom.
  • lyndsfattofit
    lyndsfattofit Posts: 33 Member
    Way WAAAYY to many times. I used to lose 20/30lbs then gain it back when I got bored of it.

    In 2011 I decided to give it a proper go and by 2013 I was down almost 100lbs. From 2015 to now I ended up gaining back around 130lbs. In that time I lost 20lbs or so, gained lost again, gained and gained etc and so this time I'm going for official 'round two' . It might take me a while but I'm in the same frame of mind as before so I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stick to it again this time.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Once I decided to lose weight (around 2012), I did it and never got back to my original starting weight BUT I do seem to get in a standstill right where I am now (again) and usually go up and down 10lbs so this time I'm hoping to break through this barrier even if it's at a slow, turtle pace. :smile:
  • thelegendofsakura89
    thelegendofsakura89 Posts: 105 Member
    More times than i can count, lol.
    Maybe it sounds like an excuse, but my struggles with depression and anxiety made sticking to my weight loss seemingly impossible.
    Ever since I've gotten my mental health under control, it's been effortless. 23 lbs down and counting.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I lost 50 lb when I was 15, gained it all back and 150 more, then started losing weight haphazardly 18 years ago then with deliberate knowledge 2 years ago. In the recent 2 years, I've had one pronounced episode of gain which I'm presently still working my way back down through.
  • happytree923
    happytree923 Posts: 463 Member
    I’ve only lost a significant amount of weight once. I lost 40 pounds without even trying when I first went vegan about five years ago. Then I discovered vegan butter and it was all over. Not vegan anymore and hoping conscious intentions will stick much longer than accidentally eating lower-cal.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    This is round 3. Went from 231-145, then 210 to 150, now at 196 :/. I stop tracking my food, get busy and start making excuses. So it seems i need to be a permanent tracker. And i think i'm ok with that.
  • Bluntmomma
    Bluntmomma Posts: 3 Member
    I was severely overweight in 2010 and finally decided I'd had enough and walked off 120 lbs in about 8 months. I then started working in the culinary industry and the hours on my feet made it damned near impossible to do any walking because my feet were so sore. I also moved to an area where there were loads of bears, which I have a major fear of, so I didn't do my regular 2 hour a day walk anymore. Over the course of 7 years, I've gained all that weight back, and then some. Most of the gain was in the last 4 due to overuse of alcohol after work and on weekends. I also lost my job because I couldn't do it anymore due to the weight and the health issues that it brought with it.

    So, here I am starting over again. I didn't have a starting weight to go by but just started going to the pool 3 days per week. About 1 1/2 months in, I decided that wasn't enough so for the past 2 weeks I've gone 5 days per week, doing several exercises/aerobics for about an hour a day. I weighed in at the beginning of the two week period and I was 434 lbs. I lost 4 lbs last week and apparently nothing this week. I know I've gained a lot of muscle and I see droopy skin where it was full of fat before, so I know I'm still losing fat, but I think the muscle is making it not really show up on the scale.

    I guess what I'm trying to say here is that you can't always go by the scale since muscle weighs more than fat and your body holds different amounts of water as well from day to day. Don't get discouraged. Go by how you feel and how your clothes fit and don't beat yourself up for a little failure. We're all human and nobody is perfect. Just keep trekkin!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    Other than putting on 8-10 Lbs in the winter, I've only had one rodeo of significant weight loss.
  • ITUSGirl51
    ITUSGirl51 Posts: 192 Member
    edited May 2018
    This is my 9th time to lose 50+ lbs in my life. Started when I was 15. I lost 72 lbs this time and am in maintenance. I continue to log and count calories and weigh most every day. I have learned a lot about moderation and it’s not all or nothing when it comes to losing and maintaining weight using MFP.

    I take it one day at a time.