
Hello everyone! I’m new to MyFitnessPal! I’m 5’10, 192lbs. My goal is to loose weight! I want to get down to 150lbs. My start weight was 198lbs. I have been eating healthy and working out daily for 2 months and I’m now at a plateau.. I’m now tracking my calorie intake and hope this will get me out of my slum.. any help or encouragement would greatly be appreciated!!!


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    You’ve lost 6 pounds? Sounds like progress to me. Keep going, you’ve got this!
  • powerof9
    powerof9 Posts: 49 Member
    <3 you can do It! Slow and Steady wins!
  • rlesc1985
    rlesc1985 Posts: 22 Member
    Intake is vital for weight loss, even healthy food can be high calorie which goes against weight loss