Starting over...

_kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
edited February 2018 in Introduce Yourself
I’ve been off and on in this journey... mostly off. I always start strong and then one day without even realizing it... I’ve given up. I need to start over. I want to be a better, healthier and happier me. It’s not going to be easy. But, it’s going to be worth it. A little about myself... I’m 29. I’m from Michigan. I have a an amazing husband (15 years together and 9 years married this May). We have 2 dachshunds. I don’t have a lot of hobbies or interests aside from reading! Hopefully this time around will be a successful one!


  • _Figgzie_
    _Figgzie_ Posts: 3,506 Member
    you're going to do great! weight loss is like a 2 steps forward 1 step back deal...............a zig zag to the finish line!! I have 2 weinie dogs too :)
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you! They’re the best right?!
  • _Figgzie_
    _Figgzie_ Posts: 3,506 Member
    I love 'em, the best doggies ever!!!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Welcome! This is my second or third time at it. This time I am looking at it the same way I look at going to work, brushing my teeth, getting dressed. I may not necessarily want to do it but it's something that I just have to do. It's a responsibility. That helps me on the days when I am less motivated than others.

    Also you could have too aggressive of a goal set. If you have your goal set to lose 2 pounds a week try backing it off to one and a half pounds or even one pound. You don't need to lose the weight fast. What you need to do is have a plan that you can stick to.
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you! This is a good way to look at it! I should definitely re evaluate and possibly adjust my goals. Start small. (That’s kind of how I have my “goal weight” set. It’s not really my goal weight but a stepping stone that I would like to achieve). I think you’re right about it being something maybe we don’t WANT to do but rather NEED to do. Exactly like working and things of that nature. Gotta do it... thanks. These have been helpful tips!
  • Holly1019
    Holly1019 Posts: 43 Member
    I too am going to get back to doing this the right way. My scale has been going up..... So I am going back to logging and taking one day at a time and trying to do better. Found a group called Just for today. Just the few things you want to do for at least one day...... witch will hopefully turn into two... three..... you get it. :smile: You can all add me. Its great to have friends to help.
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    @Holly1019 thanks! That sounds like a good group to be a part of! Can you add me? Or how do I go about finding it myself?
  • Frankie_Fan
    Frankie_Fan Posts: 562 Member
    Welcome! I lost a good amount of weight in 2014 and I'm back with more to lose and to maintain. Lots of good people here that give great advice. I'll send you a friend request. :)
  • _kayleigh
    _kayleigh Posts: 23 Member
    Sounds good!!! Thanks @Frankie_Fan
  • sakassab
    sakassab Posts: 34 Member
    I'm for Mi too! #thatmittenlife