Binge eaters only. Loving food, too much, managing stress hormone over earing



  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    I am 51 and I have binged all my life , I don't eat 2 pieces of chocolate , I eat the whole box , I don't eat 1 doughnut I eat the whole box , I never ate breakfast , I maybe wouldn't eat til after 4pm , but then I would eat all night , into 2 or 3 am , bag of chips half a pizza , whatever i had . I am in so much pain , I have arthritis , and lymph edema so one of my legs is huge . my birthday was jan 16 and I am done , overeating and binge eating , I can not just do it once a week or give myself a cheat day , I have to stop it all . So I am doing low carb/ keto diet . This diet works for me , I can binge on pepperoni , or cheese or pork rinds , stuff I am aloud to have . But I am not even doing that , I am following the diet right . I am losing weight , and my legs feel better, but I will never be rid of the binge , it will always be there waiting like a demon in the dark .
  • I am 51 and I have binged all my life , I don't eat 2 pieces of chocolate , I eat the whole box , I don't eat 1 doughnut I eat the whole box , I never ate breakfast , I maybe wouldn't eat til after 4pm , but then I would eat all night , into 2 or 3 am , bag of chips half a pizza , whatever i had . I am in so much pain , I have arthritis , and lymph edema so one of my legs is huge . my birthday was jan 16 and I am done , overeating and binge eating , I can not just do it once a week or give myself a cheat day , I have to stop it all . So I am doing low carb/ keto diet . This diet works for me , I can binge on pepperoni , or cheese or pork rinds , stuff I am aloud to have . But I am not even doing that , I am following the diet right . I am losing weight , and my legs feel better, but I will never be rid of the binge , it will always be there waiting like a demon in the dark .

    I am sorry to hear of your struggles. However you are tackling something you have struggled your whole life! That’s amazing and any success is success surely. I am exactly the same with one bite I want the lot. I am not excusing but think it’s just one of those things we will always have to manage . Just like I have a friend who has to watch what she drinks... because one is never enough.

    I think if we work hard we can achieve this. Thank you for sharing and well done for making changes...!!

  • I'm still struggling with this, but I'll share what has helped reduce my cravings to binge-eat. First of all, I'm very careful to not let myself get hangry. My body seems to overreact if I get too hungry and all I can think about is eating and all I crave is bad food. And then the normal amount of food is never enough - I'll eat dinner but then just keep eating afterwards until I'm miserable. There are also certain foods I absolutely cannot have in my house because I will binge eat them; for me, it's salty snacks like chips or Cheez-Its and I will not buy them anymore. I have to be especially careful when I'm feeling bad - either emotionally or physically - because I get it in my head that food will fix those bad feelings and will just keep eating. I've managed to structure my days I work to keep from most binge triggers, but my days off I still struggle when I'm home alone. When I binged more often, it was always alone, either in my car or my house, and happened almost every time I had a day off. I am still working through that, but I find if I make healthy snacks easy to grab and give myself fun activities to do on my days off that I look forward to instead of lying around being a bum and watching Netflix, that I'm less tempted to binge. I am also trying to understand what I'm thinking and feeling when I'm wanting to binge and find productive ways to handle the stress/boredom/anxiety/hanger/perfectionist thoughts and feelings.

    Hope that gives you some ideas! Wishing you the best on your own journey.

    That’s really great thank you! What fun things do you do on your off days? Your feelings of boredom/ stress/ anxiety and associated bingeing all resonate with me too.
  • StevefromMichigan
    StevefromMichigan Posts: 462 Member
    edited February 2018
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I used to think a lot more about food until I changed what I ate - increasing protein and fruit, decreasing baked goods and foods made from flour helped quite a bit. Regular exercise and good sleep helps as well.

    I agree completely with this. MY personal opinion is that sweets and fats are addictive. I am not sure there is any science to support this, but now that I have been dieting for 100 days, I find I crave them far less than before.

    Last Sunday I took my 10 year old to Dairy Queen and didn't get anything for myself. A few weeks ago I got pizza for my wife and son, and I had a left over chicken breast. That would have NEVER happened 6 months ago. In fact, I gained 30 lbs in just over a year with poor eating habits.

    My experience has been that the longer you diet, the easier it gets. YMMV.
  • an0nemus
    an0nemus Posts: 149 Member
    Talk to your doctor about Binge Eating Disorder. I did with mine, and I was prescribed 30mg of Vyvanse back in May. I've gone from 241 to 173 since I've been on it. It really has turned my life around.
  • Kazgorat may I ask what your diet consists of today?

    I do believe eating can be addictive I’m not excusing it, but my dad was the same as was my grandma. My mum has always been a “love food but I’m full now” as have my siblings and man the maternal side. It’s too much of a coincidence to not have a genetic component. As are the low moods ...
  • haleyrhart
    haleyrhart Posts: 26 Member
    Eating, especially with family or good friends, can be a wonderful experience. I have habits that I had to reevaluate when I started my journey. Example, every time I watched a movie I must have popcorn and a soda. Then there are the times when I am bored or tired. I'd find myself in front of the fridge even though I wasn't hungry.
    Make food an experience or an event. Don't treat it as a filler for the times you don't have anything better to do. Use that time to go for a walk or pick up a book.
    Food is life. If you look at other cultures dinner can take 2-3 hours. They eat slower and with intention.
    Try to eat with the intention of eating to the point of being satiated, but not over, with healthy delicious foods. Listen to your whole body not just your brain. Your brain is a creature of habit.
  • speedingticket
    speedingticket Posts: 73 Member
    an0nemus wrote: »
    Talk to your doctor about Binge Eating Disorder. I did with mine, and I was prescribed 30mg of Vyvanse back in May. I've gone from 241 to 173 since I've been on it. It really has turned my life around.

    Lisdexamfetamine/Vyvanse isn't licensed for use in BED in the UK. The only medication licensed for weight loss in the UK is orlistat (Alli), which obviously works by a very different mechanism and isn't useful for BED unfortunately.