Hey =)

Hi everyone my names Amberlee im 22 from England =) i have a 4 yr old son Bailey n am currently trainin to be a nail technicion. Im new to the website but i have been usin the app for a couple months now its great so i thought id check out the website n am amazed too see how much inspiration this site gives people n helps with their weight loss success. Everyone is doin soooo well n i would love ur support =) As i would like to support others on their journey too! Feel free to add me as a friend..... i dunt bite Hehe =P xXx


  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Amberlee, my name is John and a newbie myself, glad to have you on my friends list =)
    I spent a couple weeks in England visiting my sister during R&R holiday from Iraq in about June 2009, had a great time and it didn't rain once, which I am told is almost unheard of. Wish you the best and success!
  • pinkplaym4te
    pinkplaym4te Posts: 14 Member
    Hey John thanks for the reply n acceptin my friend request =) Hahaa yes it always rains here =( lol Good luck to u too x