Looking for support and motivation

Hi all,

After several attempts of eating healthy, losing weight, ‘cheating’ on my nutrition plan, gaining all the weight back, and stop exercising, I’m holding my ground this time and I want to put it all off for good. I’m looking for people who might possibly be going through a similar experience, or others who feel like they can offer some motivation and encouragement.



  • thenisechambers
    thenisechambers Posts: 5 Member
    Hi ! I know exactly how you feel ! I’m going through a similar situation. I’m trying to drop at least 50 pounds before May. I’m about to add you !
  • carmel199
    carmel199 Posts: 56 Member
    It's a process but you can do it. We all stumble day by day process.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    Been there done that. ..hands you the tshirt;)
    Life happens, slip ups happen, but not quitting altogether has a pay off!
  • baroquepop
    baroquepop Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all! I’ve also struggled and regained but am different about it now. It seems I do learn something really more helpful as I go. So though it may seem the same it’s not. Maybe like the movie Groundhogs Day!: )

    Ryan you sound newly committed to taking good care of yourself and that’s great! Celebrate all the little steps and bigger ones you take. It all matters. You really can learn from all the efforts you’ve made and put it together better and more permanently for yourself. I’m sure you are! Good luck!

    Sending the very best energy for your efforts everyone! Go you!
  • happylife2014
    happylife2014 Posts: 128 Member
    Feel free to add me! Loving supporting others!