Welcome to MFP!

Just wanted to welcome anyone who is new here! MFP can be a great tool and source of support in your journey to a healthier you. Take the time to learn all the different things on the site and to meet some new people here.

Ive only been here for a couple weeks, but have alreayd met a load of awesome people who are supportive and can help you in your journey!

Ive been losing weight since May 2009, and am down over 200 lbs so far with about another 40 to go. Ive hit a lot of bumps along the way and know that the best way to get thru them is with a great source of support!

Feel free to add me as a friend, and best of luck to you on your journies!

Also check out my site www.500lbs2marathon.com to find out more about my journey :)

Have a great day!
