Did anyone gain when starting to eat execise calories

I was just wondering if anyone gained when eating exercise calories, I started eating more two weeks ago and stopped my flipp flopping the same 4 pounds and when from 205 back to 197. When I started eating a little more last week went up to 201, and this am I am now 206? I did more strength training last week, and I know this is water weight, but I have been bouncing from 205 to 199 since April, and thought I had it figured out. I am hungry often, do not eat a lot of sodium under my goal most days. Eat plenty of veggies. Drink at least 10 glasses of water daily. I just have no idea how to stop it. The week I got back to 199 I ate 12,444. calories that week, last week I ate 13,444 and I went up. I have never been able to stay at 199 for more than a day.


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
  • Bump to see others answers. I will say this.......when I ate ALL of my exercise calories back I did gain. I tried eating back half and I didn't gain. I tracked my exercise calories via my HRM so I wasn't just guessing either.
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 920 Member
    i did an experiment with my own body..... that means it may be diffrent for other.

    2weeks ago i ate ALL my calories back from exersize and put on 1lbs
    last week i ate back half of my calories and lost 2.5lbs
    when i dont eat them back at all i stay the same

    hope this helps
  • Jdine
    Jdine Posts: 36 Member
    You should probably start eating less calories if you want to continue to lose weight. 1920 a day is plenty to maintain you at your present wt. Unless you are logging them perfectly most people underestimate their real cal intake by 20% I Would consider moving your cal to 1500 a day. Hopefully you are doing wt training as well. Every lb of muscle you gain will help you burn 50-70 cal at rest/ Gain 10lb of muscle and you are now burning 500-700 more cal a day. If you dont do wts your body will sacrifice the muscle to maintain itself on lower cal. Feel free to look at my diary.. I consistently keep my calories around 1500 while eating lots of good clean food. Make sure your still doing at least 45 mins of cardio 3 times a week and the wt will come right off. Good luck!
  • Totally agree with this lady. Exactly the same for me. I would eat just under half the calories back when i exercise or if i have ate too much that day i would have something very light after i exercise like a piece of fruit, yoghurt, soup etc

    You do need to eat after your exercise i find because your body is looking for something to refill its energy reserves. If you dont, as stated below, your body will slow down.

    i did an experiment with my own body..... that means it may be diffrent for other.

    2weeks ago i ate ALL my calories back from exersize and put on 1lbs
    last week i ate back half of my calories and lost 2.5lbs
    when i dont eat them back at all i stay the same

    hope this helps
  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
    MFP has me on 1510 daily I workout 5 days a week teaching spin, doing kickboxing, running, and the arc trainer. I wear a hrm and make sure I work in my aerobic zone too.bI do weights four days a week. I think I am going back to trying to eat less again. This has been frustrating with gain lose gain.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    This occurs when either a ) your exercise calories and/or TDEE aren't accurate or b ) your food isn't being logged accurately. If you're sure about a ), then double check b ). If you're sure about both, and you have no medical issues, then patience is the secret.

    I have to keep reminding myself that I am not a special little butterfly that can defy physics. If I am eating at a deficit (and I am), the weight HAS to come off, eventually. And it does. Eventually.
  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
    The last time when I was losing a good amount of weight I never ate above 1600 calories and worked out at least four days a week. On days I did not exercise i ate about 1400. That was January Feburary, Then March slowed down, and the end of April it started yo yo yoing. Medically I am fine. I weigh everything. I think I will go back to eating less the rest fo this week and see how it goes.