Not new

I'm not new here just deleted the app alot. It's so hard for me to find the motivation and posativity to stay focused on my goal because I have so many people who doubt me.


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    edited February 2018
    Take the doubters out of the equation. I know, this may be easier said than done, but it is essential for your success. Don't talk about your weight loss or diet plans with them. They don't need to know. They don't DESERVE to know if they're going to be anything other than supportive.

    You've got a great support network right here, built in to MFP. Most veteran users here have experienced the same difficulties you'll be facing to one degree or another. Plus, they are vastly knowledgeable and helpful (if you don't mind a little bluntness from time to time :smile: )
  • TeddieMao
    TeddieMao Posts: 8 Member
    Use the doubters as motivation. Most people who shame have their own problems so use them as motivation and maybe they will get their own act together.