Getting discouraged :(



  • savannah111
    savannah111 Posts: 6 Member
    Don't get discouraged, there are plenty of people on this site to help you through the tough spots. I have my gf that keeps me motivated. How much cardio are you doing? I pretty much have done strictly cardio. I've done crunches and push ups some but not as much as cardio. Over the last 4 days I've walked over 20 miles, I enjoy hiking and I'm fixing to try to start biking to work ( depending on the heat anyway ). Try something different. Are you bored with your routine? I try to find new places to trek through so I don't get bored with mine. Hope you get the motivation you need. Just keep pushing and pushing. Friend me if you would like :D
    [/ Ive been doing the ripped in 30 and spinning at home Thanks friend request sent !]
  • wam326
    wam326 Posts: 3 Member
    Just remember, the scale is not your friend! It doesn't differentiate between lean muscle and extra fat lol. I find that if my main motivation is to lose weight, I can easily get discouraged...Your goal should be to become a healthy person not just lose X amount of pounds :) Although those are good goals too....but the reason you diet and exercise is for your health, not appearance. A beautiful person is a happy person, no matter what some scale says ;) It took me a long time to figure that out....As long as you are eating healthy food and giving your body what it needs to function then you are on the right track! The weight will come off, but it's never as fast as we want haha.
  • gerg6z
    gerg6z Posts: 5 Member
    Don't get too discouraged. I've lost 30+ pounds since May 1 using MFP to record what I'm eating and hitting a fittness center 3 days per week. Recently hit a wall. However, I know if I keep at it, the weight loss will continue. Just have to keep with it. Look at your goals and how you want to feel and look. Best to make an effort, even if less than routine, to make it through those difficult days. Good luck!
  • mjchaves
    Don't get discouraged...just keep doing the right thing and following the plan. It sounds like you are exercising alot so I bet you're building muscle, which long term will really help you sustain weight loss. Remember, muscle starts to burn calories automatically! Take your measurements so you won't be owned by the scale...I bet you'll see the inches fall off faster than the pounds...that damn scale can be so tempermental:-( Keep going ~ you're closer than you think:-)
  • GrandmaJody
    GrandmaJody Posts: 140 Member
    Just my 2 cents worth here....It doesn't hurt to weigh and measure your foods for awhile. It can go either way, you could be eating more then you think you are, OR you could even be cheating yourself and not getting enough to eat. For example, sometimes someone assumes that there cereal bowl is equal to a serving, and might be 2 servings. Just food for thought, hang in there! You are getting healthier even if the scale doesn't want to agree yet! :)