Needing some Motivation

No matter how many times I say I want to be a good girl it never works.. I am grateful I am not gaining....but I am not losing either, and I have at least ten pounds to go before I hit a weight I Think I can live with...I need some hard core motivation
My biggest problem is snacking at night....I just can't help it...I will even eat something I don't want just to eat...booo


  • FamilyRoots
    Can you try going to bed earlier? Sometimes if I'm having trouble not snacking, and I'm not really tired yet I will brush my teeth! Then turn most of the lights off and read or play games on my phone.

    If you need more external motivation try browsing the success story forum here. Or go to and read the success stories. Those are two places I browse when I'm lacking in motivation.

    Hang in there! And even if you've been a slump, it's ok, we all have those times. You can jump back in the game ANY time, and I think your posting here now is your way of getting back to it :)
  • R4sika
    R4sika Posts: 11 Member
    I need some motivation too! I am serial dieter and what happens I am good for couple of days and I see some slight positive changes and then I sabotage myself by slipping... It's like I am cheating myself saying , oh it's just one slip, not a big deal, I will start fresh tomorrow again, but what happens, the weightngoes up and down, within two pound gap, and I have not lost anything yet....:frown:
  • FamilyRoots
    When that happens, start with the very next meal! I've also found it helpful to allow myself some "fun food" everyday, rather than splurging on a "cheat meal". Tonight we had papa murphy's take and bake and I got myself a healthy pizza (as healthy as pizza from papa murphys can be), and I had a very thin slice of the kids pepperoni pizza. I indulged, but I did it responsibly.

    Dieting short term never works long term. Make changes you can live with forever. I highly recommend the book "The Eat-Clean Diet". It's a forever "diet".
  • R4sika
    R4sika Posts: 11 Member
    Familyroots, your weight loss is impressive!! I do agree, thats why I am not pushing myself too hard, because I did lose alot of weight in the past, but half of it came back. I want it to make long term, i e me being able to lose weight and keep it off. But seeing other people lose like 10 pounds a month is really encouraging! is it possible to achiove just being on 1200 calories a day diet, or must I excerise as well to get this kind of results?
    thanks alot x
  • FamilyRoots
    If you eat clean you will lose weight, but you won't be toned at all! I lost my initial 50lbs with calorie restriction and then I stopped losing and was flabby. I really didn't want to exercise, but once I got started and just decided to stick to it I now really enjoy it. Mostly because I'm seeing such great results and I can do things physically that I haven't been able to do since I was a kid - like run, lol.

    I am sure you would lose weight on 1200 calories, too, but your body would be burning fat and lean muscle for energy which isn't ideal.
  • R4sika
    R4sika Posts: 11 Member
    thanks !
  • FamilyRoots
    You're welcome. I hope that was somewhat helpful, lol. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :)