My Weight Loss

Dunlop3351 Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2014 in Success Stories
Hi Everyone

Names steve and wanted to share my success story

Always been a big boy and growing up my weight seemed to match my age reaching 15 stone at 15 and 20 stone at 20 until hitting 21st

For around 3 years I have been around 20st 5lb

Yes I am 6 ft 1 and yes I have always been a broad lad.

02/02/14 this year I woke up and thought to myself i think i would like to lose some weight and start a new chapter in my life where i am classed as healthy not obese going onto morbidly obese

My BMI Was 36.98 When starting and weight was 20st 4lb




There was no secret to my weight loss not magic cure and obviously as most of you know its not an overnight thing

My rule was simple i would not eat anything high in saturated fat and secondly be careful of the amount of sugar i was eating a day also

I joined a gym and only did 30mins on a cross trainer 4 times a week making sure i burn around 400 calories each vist which is nothing strict and nothing that's going to be so intense to stick to i would fail at the first hurdle

Eating wise i would have a chicken breast everyday and and try to eat very lean but never said to myself i would not be allowed something i wanted if the craving appeared But after a week all thoughts of chocolate had gone and the thought of eating it would bore me unlike previous where it was a daily event scoffing a bar or 2

I said to myself i would not weigh for 4 weeks and that's what i did and on the first month i tipped the scales at 19st exactly so 1st 4lb off which i was more than happy with

Month 1



My goal was to be 16st 4lb for Christmas 2014

Month 2 i was at 18st on the scales



After 2 months i was feeling great and was now wearing a lose size 40 jeans down from a 44

Finding the diet very easy and loving weatherspoons chicken club and was eating out almost every night not letting the diet rule my life

Skipping forward June Arrived and i was 16st 5lb and only 1Lb off my goal and 6 months ahead of schedule :)

I could start to notice in pictures i was changing for the better


Being over 6ft i didn't want to be to small but i decided i wanted to see 15st something so i carried on

Before i knew i was overtaking my brothers weight at 15st 5 and thinking wow i always can remember thinking how if i wanted to match my brothers weight i would need to shift 5 stone and doing this in under 6 months and with a lot less work than i was expecting was amazing

Come September i was 14st 6lb and feeling good


Coming to the present day i am now 13st 12lb and Maintaining

i now wear shirts instead of hiding in jumpers and coats and now walk in a room without feeling people are looking at me or obsess ( Too much ) about looking at my reflection

A lot more confident that's for sure

I will admit its hard as seeing myself in a mirror at 20st+ and now i am 6st 6lb lighter in a short space of time i do still look at myself and see an overweight person and i feel i need to lose more but i know deep down i am on the verge of looking to skinny for a lad of my height but fear a rebound if i let me guard down

I know near 14st is not skinny and they say for my height i should be 12stone but i disagree with that statement i have had remarks i am now on the boarder of looking ill

I do think putting on a couple of lb may not be the end of the world as i wanted to see 13stone something but think i may have over done it or if not i should not lose anymore

Just need to get it on my head now i am not 20stone anymore

Anyway here is the latest photos and my current weight






My Bmi is down for 37 to 25.50

My jean size is now a 34 down from a 44

Waist down from 49" to 34"

Its been an interesting 8 months and i no its not over and the hard work of maintaining is here but the hurdle is out of the way

Thanks all for reading



  • holly2611
    holly2611 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow what an amazing transformation - you look like a completely different person! Congratulations, a very inspiring story.
  • oarngesi
    oarngesi Posts: 73 Member
    Wow what adifference
  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    You did a fine job of documentation.
    A loss of 80 pounds means you went from 285 pounds to 194.
    In your face, you lost about 10 years in age, as well.
    If your face seems to be too thin, don't worry:
    your subcutaneous fat will redistribute and fill in the hollows
    about 6 months after you reach your goal.
    Well done, Mr. Dunlop!
    Best wishes!
  • Dunlop3351
    Dunlop3351 Posts: 4 Member
    Many thanks guys :)
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    Great job being an inspiration for us!
  • jnc777
    jnc777 Posts: 49 Member
    Congrats, can really see the difference
  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    Wow! Great job and you look 10-15 years younger!
  • conita667
    conita667 Posts: 20 Member
    Congratulations!!!!!!!! great job! you are an inspiration for everybody!
  • NC_Girl
    NC_Girl Posts: 177 Member
    Great job!!!
  • FightingFitMom
    FightingFitMom Posts: 80 Member
    nice.. congrats!!
  • allthecoolusernamesweretaken
    edited February 2018
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,047 Member
    Well done OP, it's always lovely to see an update on maintenance!
  • Falklang
    Falklang Posts: 220 Member
    Wow awesome job! I'm hoping to reach my goal by the end of this year but if it comes sooner like yours then I won't complain haha :p
  • Bavieca
    Bavieca Posts: 31 Member
    Amazing job!
  • Dunlop3351
    Dunlop3351 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for the support
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Love seeing the update! So inspiring, thank you for sharing :)
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