Vegan body building food share!

kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
edited November 2017 in Recipes
Any vegans on here that are body building that share their daily food diaries and recipes? It would be really helpful to know some of you so we can share food ideas and recipes. Feel free to add me!


  • marcaivw
    marcaivw Posts: 1 Member
  • hellobarb
    hellobarb Posts: 15 Member
    If you have instagram, you should follow Nimai Delgado. He shares a lot of the food he eats!
  • kazane1
    kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
    Ahh thank you for the response but I don’t have Instagram :(
  • emjustem87
    emjustem87 Posts: 180 Member
    Agreed..! Struggling with the protein aspect. Pinterest has been really helpful for me.
  • kazane1
    kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
    I’m hitting high protein consumption now everyday so please check out my food diary for some ideas :)
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    I'm interested to increase my protein, I'll really finding it tough, and when I make a high protein dish I just feel like I am so full and can't eat anything else.
  • kazane1
    kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
    Yeahh protein does make you feel very full I have found but as long as you have some good carbohydrates with the same food or before or after you’ll get energy then from the carbs, so say you have a high protein legume and rice dish afterwards try fit in a nice clementine or orange for some vit c energy and another piece of fruit too like blueberries or a kiwi or something if you don’t want fruit you can always try something that has natural sugar in for energy instead something like some dates are high in carbohydrates for energy... or stick it all together and make a smoothie this way you’ll ensure you’ll stay energised as well as being full :)