Looking for motivated people who want to be friends!

Hi, my name is Natasha, and I've been doing my fitness pal on and off for the last 4 years. I started off my fitness journey after having my second child. I was 210 pounds at 5'4. I got myself down to 165 pounds in about a year, and was feeling fantastic. Then, I gave up. No idea why. Over the past 2 years I've gained 20 pounds of that weight back, and gave up all fitness, so all my muscle tone was lost.
This year is going to be different. Enough is enough. I was 185 pounds January 1st, and I started working out slowly. I lost 8lbs in January, and now my goal is to work out longer, harder, and be healthier. My main struggle is food cravings. When I'm not hungry, I want to eat the junk. I'm looking for any one who wants to stay motivated with me and be accountable to beat those cravings! Looking to get in the best shape of my life this year :)


  • bsjmhall
    bsjmhall Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Natasha, welcome back to MFP. I am back also; the last few years have been a bit crazy, my son who is 31, had a heart attack 2 years ago, at the time he was 646 pounds. He is now at 394 and is still going. For me, if I want to live, I need to lose weight and get healthy I have been a non-smoker for 2.5 years now (stopped the day my son had surgery- cold turkey). The good thing is I don't smoke anymore, but I have gained about 40 pounds since I quit. Since the 4th I have exercised each day. My son is the cooker because he needs to watch his salt intake, but I am used to no salt foods.

    We really like to cook with fresh spices and herbs and it has made a huge difference in how I eat as well.

    Jean in MN.
  • broth8438
    broth8438 Posts: 6 Member
    Congrats on setting goals and being motivated to accomplish them!
  • fjoneslee
    fjoneslee Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! Glad to be part of the community. I gained 35 pounds when I stopped smoking years ago. I worked diligently, and lost 25. I started smoking again when I was being worked up for MS. I recently stopped again, and I could stand to lose about 15 pounds this time. I’m a great cheerleader, and looking for a little support myself. Glad to meet you all!
    Felice from NY
  • librarycarole
    librarycarole Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Natasha. I struggle with the junk food craving too, but I started keeping fresh veggies and fruit and some nuts around all the time. It seems to help when I can just grab something good when the cravings start instead of having to fix something. Good luck with your goals. Stick with it; you will feel much better and have more energy when you do.
  • logicala
    logicala Posts: 2 Member
    Glad to add or be added! I am 5.2/190 aiming at 135. Started today. Used to be soccer and rugby player, now mom with some health issues but want to get super fit and active. <3