Second take on life

Hey all,

I'm elated to have found a community such as mfp. I only lurked for a week before creating an account and getting the app :) 6'3 and 215 lbs, with quite the beer belly. My goal is dropping down to 195 while doing strength training and some cycling, and of course consuming less calories than I'm expending.

I titled this as a second take on life, because there was a time when I was relatively fit, but a series of crappy circumstances that life threw at me caused me to fall off the wagon. (note: not a sob story)

First I had an unexpected genetic related surgery that put me in bed & at my computer for about 3 months. After that i was so tired from coming off all the pain meds, that exercise didn't feel possible anymore. This put me in a state of mild depression that I continue to deal that makes hope for a future of healthy mind, body, and soul, hard to imagine.

So instead of looking inward to create a better life, I looked outward, for others' recognition and acceptance. I was going on dates with new people every week, and drinking alcohol during all of this. Alcohol seemed an easy way to numb the reality that change comes within.

Eventually I met the person I am with now, whom makes me very happy. However, I still was avoiding my own personal goals, making excuses for myself, pitying myself, and the drinking crept up again and got worse. As a result, I spent the better part of 9 months drinking six-packs most days of the week. You can imagine the result this had on my physical well being.

After long term CBT, talking with others, speaking with my doctors about my health (not particularly weight...but also organ health, pre-disposition to hypertension, etc.), and some other topics I'll spare this board from, I internalized that life goes on regardless. You can't look for the solutions in others, you can't put off today's challenges for tomorrow, etc. etc. (insert other clichés here).

TLDR; I'm eager and dedicated to lose about 25 lbs of fat while strength training, not only for aesthetic appeal, but for holistic inner peace.



  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Welcome. You can do it. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • revamp777
    revamp777 Posts: 5 Member
    feel free to add me, we can do this journey together. thanks for sharing.