6lbs from one cheat day? Really???



  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    This happens to us females ALL the time!!:cry: But I am sure it is alot of water retention even if you drank water that day. Also did you change your workout that day? Muscle could be holding h20 also!!!! Did you weigh on the same scale as before?? Whatever the cause, I am glad your back in the routine and are not caving in like alot of us females have done when this happens to us!! Hang in there and best wishes to ya!!!
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    You are probably in the same boat I am. When you are in the 280lb range - having a 3- 5 lbs swing on a day-to-day isn't uncommon; in fact it's very common. Think of it as your body maintaining an operational range of +/- 0.7% variation. Yeah, I mean your true point wasn't likely your lowest weight - but slightly above. Now you are riding the upper range of your true weight.

    I'd say that any organtic organism that maintains a less than 1% variation in their weight; while undergoing dynamic changes in exercise and diet - is doing a pretty darn good job at regulation of body mass - wouldn't you?

    But, it's frustrating as all heck when you step on the scale. Just ask yourself some questions. Like, is your scale +/-0.7% accurate on a day to day basis?
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    Gotta say, I put on 6# from an artificial hip dislocation. Absolutely no dietary reason for an aditional 6#. A month later, I'm still not rid of that damn 6#. So frustrating, as I can't exercise like I was~ I feel your pain, I really do!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I got nothing… I run 6 days a week, am always under my calories, drink water like a mad woman & gained a pound. Crazy, huh? Yesterday I intentionally went over my calories & didn’t exercise to jump start my metabolism.

    On days when you are eating at an event…, take a quick pic with your phone of what you eat & log it later. That’s what I do.
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    I got nothing… I run 6 days a week, am always under my calories, drink water like a mad woman & gained a pound. Crazy, huh? Yesterday I intentionally went over my calories & didn’t exercise to jump start my metabolism.

    On days when you are eating at an event…, take a quick pic with your phone of what you eat & log it later. That’s what I do.

    Wasn't that I've forgotten what I ate... was more of I have no clue how this or that was prepared... LOL Not making excuses and I in fact knew that I wasn't staying in my caloric or any other range for that day.

    Again thank you everyone your support is overwhelmingly comforting to me.
  • cmarshel
    cmarshel Posts: 46 Member
    It's just one day and just one weigh-in. Stick to your plan and don't fret the scale.