Well that's going to put a BUMP in the road for my weight loss plans - Pregnancy Calories + Fitness

Just ordered the book Strong Curves yesterday because I'm ready to start building some muscle (and a booty!) and losing some fat (BF% is somewhere around 27%). However, last night, 3 pregnancy tests revealed I was definitely definitely definitely pregnant :D

(They're right about it happening when you least expect it! We've not used birth control for over a year and are in the midst of selling a house in another part of the state, while we rent the one we just moved into last week. LOL! Hubby said, "oh crap. I gotta get more work!" :D:D:D )

I'm around 147 lb 5'5", about to be 28, and I want to make sure I do NOT gain any more than necessary for this sweet baby, that way it will be easier to meet my goals later on. Currently on 1450 calories a day (which was to lose .5 lb a week). I don't know how many calories I should be eating though - maintenance calories? Was low carbing but I presume a 40/30/30 of carb/fat/protein would be a better option for baby.

I have a Desk job. Plan on working out 3x a week. I haven't done very much working out, so I don't have any muscle tone as it is right now.

Here's what I'm thinking:
- about 15-30 min on treadmill, walking and jogging
- 5-10lb dumbbells for arms
- some squats, donkey kicks, lunges, fire hydrants, pushups/planks

All of that should be okay wouldn't you think? I just think it probably best to avoid getting into any LIFTING until after baby. Obviously I will have to set an appointment with the doc and ask him all these questions too, I just wanted to get an idea of what I might expect (besides a baby :D ), or maybe what some of you other ladies had luck with.

Thank you!


  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member

    What you propose sounds fair though the baby will likely tell you what you can and can't do once you get closer to your third trimester. Don't push through discomfort. We just had our little one a month ago...my SO was absolutely fine for the first six months and had no limitations on her physical activity. Once the third trimester hit, she basically became immobile because of how the baby was positioned.
  • 25agirard
    25agirard Posts: 49 Member
    1. CONGRATS!!!! Babies are amazing and it is an entirely different dimension of love than you've ever known! :)
    2. I believe when I was pregnant the dr. told me that really I needed to eat only about 300 calories more/day than typical--I think he said something along the lines of it equated to a yogurt and piece of fruit more than normal...but I would defiantly discuss with your dr!
    3. I only gained a small amount of weight (24 lbs with first, 26 lbs with second) and found that I LOVED being pregnant! My advice to you is that your whole body is going to change--and it is doing incredible things-- and just be nice to yourself. You won't be able to control all the changes, so try to enjoy them! Don't stress too much over weight--enjoy the whole amazing experience!!
  • WMLizard
    WMLizard Posts: 22 Member
    Congratulations! I also found out this surprise news, right around Christmas! Even though I'm technically obese at the moment, when I mentioned my weight as a concern at my 8-week appointment my OB said I'm really not that bad and I could safely gain up to 30 pounds!!! What??? I'm trying not to do that. She also said the weight doesn't really count until your 20th week, and from there expect to gain about a pound a week. So 16-20 pounds just in the last half, if you go full term.

    I have my calories set to lose "1 pound" a week (about 1800 a day). I probably go over, because I'm paying less attention, but that's partly why I set the calories on the low end. I walk about 2.5 miles a day for my commute, but that's all the exercise I've been able to find the energy to do. My weight has maintained so far (which means I've been doing this for about 2 months with no gaining). I have more appointments Monday and we'll see if they say anything. Everything looked good at the 8 week appointment and the ultrasound (which turned out to be 10 weeks, so I'm about a week further along then my menstrual cycle indicated).
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    You don’t need any extra calories during the first trimester, 200-300 extra in the second and 500ish extra in the third, thereabouts. Workout sounds reasonable. Talk to your Dr about it though I’m sure you’ll be fine. It’s good to exercise during pregnancy, it makes labor easier hahaha
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    edited February 2018
    Congratulations! Is this your first? Morning sickness may dictate a good deal of your diet for the first few months (it often doesn't kick in until a few weeks after you get a + so don't assume you're in the clear if you don't feel sick right away!) Edit - I see this isn't your first, so you're probably aware of what's to come :smiley:

    General rule of thumb for activity is, you can continue to do anything your were comfortably able to do before pregnancy, at least up until the final weeks, but of course it's always best to consult with your OB :smile:
  • southrnchic479
    southrnchic479 Posts: 136 Member
    @25agirard Thank you! And yes, babies are amazing! This is actually going to be my 2nd, but it's a totally different ball game this time around. First time I was 18 and unmarried, so she was unplanned - but my goodness that girl is the best thing that ever happened to me. My husband loves her as his own (she is totally Daddy's Girl) and she is SO EXCITED to be a big sister. She keeps hugging me and rubbing my belly and she got big ol' tears in her eyes and said THANK YOU MOMMY!!

    Anyway, with THAT pregnancy I ate fast food ALL the time because well, I was young and dumb and that was before I cared what I ate. I gained a lot. That's probably why I'm a little more calorie obsessed.

    @harleycorn Wow, hats off to you dear!! And yes, I definitely won't be pushing to hit new fitness levels. If I can run for a bit, I will, but if it's too much I will stick to my fast paced walking. It's just challenging enough and burns a good 200 calories if I go for 2 miles. Thank you!

    @DX2JX2 Thank you! And congratulations to you too! That's awesome :)
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Exciting new!

    I would say, don't gain a hundred lbs, but some women do and manage to lose it all.

    I only gained 19 1/2 lbs the first time & 21 1/2 the 2nd time but still kept 5 lbs from each pregnancy. Those kids are grown now so that extra weight is all mine.

    Talk to your dr.
  • southrnchic479
    southrnchic479 Posts: 136 Member
    @WMLizard Aww congrats to you too!! That's awesome - 2 months no gain? Lol c'mon baby, eat off my reserves :D:tongue: Ideally I would have liked to get in better shape beforehand (I mean, I was going to lol) but I kind of let go for the holidays as my last hurrah and then was going to hit it hard with fitness and nutrition. Such is life! We're excited though :smile:

    @hesn92 yes - I read that about the extra calories in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, so that's definitely good to know. I think what I'm still struggling with though is whether or not I should be in a calorie deficit or more at maintenance. I mean, will I starve the baby at a deficit? Maybe I should google "calorie deficit pregnancy" and see what I can find :grey_question:

    @pinuplove Thank you! No this will be my second. I'll definitely have to talk to doc about workouts. I haven't been in the gym in like a year so... :confused:
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I would for sure eat at maintenance.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Generally speaking, the baby will get/take what the baby needs. But since the ultimate goal is a healthy baby AND momma, and since you are already at a healthy weight, I'd certainly recommend eating at maintenance (standard disclaimer - not a professional, speak to your doctor!)
  • WMLizard
    WMLizard Posts: 22 Member
    I have a friend who ended up weighing less after pregnancy then before - again, was overweight when she started, gained 16 pounds in total, then lost all that after the birth (second kid). I don't know that she was counting calories, but she has PCOS and was closely monitoring her carb intake because of the risk for gestational diabetes, so she was naturally eating less.

    I also googled, curious about whether I should try to lose a little weight early on (I'm close to the "overweight" line, so I thought maybe I could get below). It's partly why I chose to have a slight deficit in my daily calories, but then the cravings for steak and hamburgers (from someone who rarely eats red meat) kept doing me in...it did seem safe to lose some in the first trimester, but that was generally for people who were already obese. If you aren't there, I'd say stick with your maintenance calories and get in the exercise and just let your body do what it will.

    Overall, enjoy!
  • kksmom1789
    kksmom1789 Posts: 281 Member
    edited February 2018
    I was overweight when I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd I had lost about 25lbs when I got pregnant with my son. I talked to my OB about how I was really worried about gaining 50-60lbs like I did my first pregnancy she told me to stay as active as I can surprisingly we got a puppy for my daughter a few days before I took my positive test that dog helped me more then she would know I started going on nightly walks with her for about 30 minutes then when the weather got hot we would walk the mall or walmart for like 30 minutes. My doctor also told me to eat my 1200 calories a day but add on 300-500 calories so I did just that even though I wasn't really strict in my counting I craved hot fudge sundaes for like 4 months in a row but I only gained 16lbs and I gave birth to a healthy almost 8lb little boy. by the time I went back to work after my maternity leave I had weighed 10lbs less then I did at the start of my pregnancy. Congratulations on this new chapter in your life take it all in I also understand as well I had my first when I was 18 and very young and dumb.
  • southrnchic479
    southrnchic479 Posts: 136 Member
    Question: Assuming I eat at maintenance level, do you think I should eat back calories from exercise? Or, if I don't eat them all back, at least allow myself to eat part of them if I get hungry?
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Question: Assuming I eat at maintenance level, do you think I should eat back calories from exercise? Or, if I don't eat them all back, at least allow myself to eat part of them if I get hungry?

    Maintenance means you're trying to eat roughly the same number of calories as you burn, which absolutely includes those exercise calories. If you haven't been eating them back and aren't sure how accurate your numbers are, you could start with a percentage, but you would want to eat them.

    Also, congratulations!
  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 347 Member
    I'm going to link an article from ACOG about working out during pregnancy.
    https://m.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Exercise-During-Pregnancy?IsMobileSet=true I feel like it will answer a lot of your questions. Here is an interesting article if you are interested in continuing to lift during pregnancy. https://www.girlsgonestrong.com/blog/pregnancy/5-myths-of-pregnancy-and-strength-training/ Girls Gone Strong is a pretty good resource for pregnancy and fitness during pregnancy.
  • Biker_SuzCO
    Biker_SuzCO Posts: 54 Member
    I gained 30-35 pounds with each of my kiddos. I recommend NOT gaining that much as I was left with 10 from the first, then 15 with second. I blame it on massive amounts of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Finally lost the 25 extra after 7 years! Congrats!
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    My OB, who delivered all 3 of mine, prescribes the following diet for the first trimester:

    "Does it sound like it will stay down".

    Seriously. Maintenance or as best you can first trimester, 200-300 extra second trimester, 500 extra third. But beware, once you're big and giant towards the end there just isn't room and it's hard to hit that extra 500.

    I'd say eat back exercise if you're hungry. My rule of thumb was to be thoughtful of what I ate. I tried to eat at maintenance the whole time (started out obese), and tried to 90% of the time make that my base. No matter what, I tried to eat that whatever 2017 calories or whatever it was. Sometimes, I really wasn't that hungry. Sometimes, I ate more. If I wanted ice cream, I had ice cream. My first two I gained less than 20 (12 and 10 years ago, respectively, so I don't remember exactly), and with my 16 month old I gained 12.

    As far as exercise, the talk test is the rule of thumb for pregnancy. You should be able to speak comfortable sentences. You should also listen to your body and stop immediately if something feels wrong. For those who were not active prior to pregnancy, walking, yoga, and swimming are regarded as safe in pregnancy. You may consider finding a personal trainer with experience in pregnancy if you want to go beyond that. (I can't say enough for pregnancy yoga. Do it.)

    You should definitely discuss any plans with your provider, as they are going to trump what the internet says. And give yourself grace. How many times in life are you going to be pregnant? And at the end of the day it's all really a wash any way. We can have the best plans, and then things go awry. Just try to enjoy the ride.


    Also, did not see a plug for the Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant group on here yet. They were a great sounding board and resource for me when I was pregnant with my youngest.