Body image

KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
Although MFP shows only a 22 lbs weight loss on my profile. The truth is that from the time I initially found the site and joined to the time I actually started watching what I eat, I had gained another 20 lbs +. At my heaviest, I spun the scale to over 275 lbs (not certain exactly what weight as my cheap scale stops at 275 lbs).

As of last Saturday morning I weighed in at 228 lbs.

I am proud & happy to have made such a strong run at my current goal to break 200 lbs by the end of the year.

However, it is a little creepy to see my self in the mirror! For so long when I crossed paths with a mirror, the person looking back at me was John Candy or Chris Farley. Over time I was used to this and accepted it as my destiny. Now, when ever I see my self in the mirror (home or gym) I do not recognize the person looking back at me. I was doing burpees at the gym Friday after work and each time I came up I almost stopped to look behind me!

In addition, people I know and some people whom I know only in passing are making the effort to tell me how good I look. (Sad thing is that the first thing that comes to my mind is how hideous they must have thought I looked in the past!)

I know that I will get used to seeing & being the new me. Just as I will continue to graciously acknowledge any compliments.

I guess that these new experiences are much easier to deal with than being out of breath after going up & down a single flight of stairs to get the ice cream from the freezer!

Good luck one and all and keep on truckin'


  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    I am so proud of you:) Congratulations:)
  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    AWEEE THAT'S AWESOME!! KEEP AT IT!! =D I noticed when my sister lost a lot of weight (she went from a size 13 to a size 9) it has also been a process for her to deal with, she keeps going into department stores and grabbing size 13 because she just can't beleive she's a size 9 so when I remind her that she's a size 9, she can't beleive it, then I'll tell her to get her *kitten* in the fitting room to try them on, and everytime she does it's like a surprise for her! LOL She really doesn't get that she's a size 9 hahaha I guess it's a mental process as well. As I always tell her, "when you look in the mirror, Yes accept the new you, and beleive it! YOU ARE A SIZE 9 AND YOU LOOK DAMN FINE!" HAHAHA love it and embrace it:flowerforyou:
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Instead of Chris Farley, you are now seeing George Clooney. Great NSV.
  • prettyvida44
    That's really awsome and congratualtions!! Enjoy the compliments---you've set out to be a healthier you and deserve to look and feel great!! It has been interesting for my mind to catch up to the new me...I still think I'm 200lbs instead of 160lbs---my outlook in life is so different and becuase of this my interaction with people is so different from before. I sometimes thought that with weightloss life would be better but I don't think it's only the new me but the new confidence that i now have....anyway keep going--I've reached a plarteu for now and just enjoying my shape for now and looking into new ways to rev up my weight loss journey....
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