
Ok, I'm an avid hiker but my hikes have been at most 4 miles but here recently I've taken up walking more and more. Since wednesday 8/3/11 I have walked 25 miles. I walked 12 miles on Wednesday, 6 miles on 8/7/11 and then just finished walking 6.25 miles this morning. I'm trying to increase my speed each time. I finished 6.25 miles in and hour and five minutes today.

I'm having pretty significant results. since wednesday I've went from 266lbs to today I am 255lbs. Does anyone else walk as their main source of cardio? What do you do to keep it interesting? What type of shoes are best?


  • aliciarenee79
    aliciarenee79 Posts: 35 Member
    I like finding new trails to hike. I am lucky to have several pretty close by. If I am walking along a sidewalk or on a paved trail I NEED my mp3 player to keep me going. I don't have special shoes, but I haven't been doing as many miles as you. Congrats on the weightloss.
  • RissaDean
    RissaDean Posts: 189 Member
    I walk my dog as my main source of excercise...

    Here in Dallas there's a store called Luke's Locker that I go to for shoes. Your sales person makes you walk back and forth barefoot in front of them so they can see what weird things your feet do (if you need arch support, or not, or whatever), and then they bring you several shoes to try on, and have you walk around in those (to see if you like them as well as to see if the shoes help correct your gait). They're not the cheapest place for Nikes/Adidas/etc, but they're also not the most expensive place I've seen.