Dukan Diet

satine20021 Posts: 7
edited September 30 in Food and Nutrition
Hey guys,

Just wanted some feed back on this if you have heard or tried it. I am trying to find a "diet menu" to stick with. I have tried portion control and eating things I believe to be healthy but haven't had much luck. I have been reading up on this and it sounds interesting to me especially since it follows different phases to lose and then maintain. It also isn't trying to get you to drop the weight superfast. So any feedback would be helpful. Just need some guidance.




  • As an RN and also someone who doesn't believe in dieting this sounds like another variation on ZONE, South Beach, etc. Dukan seems to be relatively healthy but the bottom line is for anything to work, it must make sense for the rest of your life. Also, if you have tried portion control and calorie counting along with regular exercise and haven't seen any major change in energy level, weight loss, etc., it may be that your metabolism is messed up from past fad diets. My advice would be to meet with a nutritionist (NOT one at a weight loss center) and talk to your doctor about some simple metabolic testing (fasting blood sugar, thyroid levels). Then find an eating plan that gives you enough calories to do what you need each day with enough protein to build and maintain muscle tissue, healthy carbs to give you energy, and a small amount of good fat to regulate the release of energy into your bloodstream and maintain healthy lipid levels. Good luck!
  • I did the Dukan Diet and it works if you stick with it. The nice part is that it gives you different stages as you meet your goal. I went off of it as I am trying to do this with my daughter and it was not for her.

    Idea protein diet is a diet that gets results fast, and then I was going to try to maintain with the Dukan type diet. I lost 25 lbs in 6 weeks with the ideal protein diet, it just really impresses on you that you need protein and less carbs in order to loss the weigt.
  • www.thezone.com... gives you 2 or 4 week menus and tons of recipe's. I am doing that as well.
  • Thanks guys! I will definately look into these. i have thought about going to see a doctor too as I've had an increase in weight in the past few months here recently and no real change in my diet habbits. So I am wondering if there might be more going on. My mom does have Thyroid problems herself and I know that can be a factor.

    Anyways thanks for the tips and I am always open to more! :)
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