45-50 to lose?

Hey, :tongue:

Looking for friends with similar weight loss goal.

I have been on the site for about a week now but only started a couple of days ago and would like some friends please :) Im 5'7 and have aroung 50lbs to lose and would love the support!




  • kallibrae
    kallibrae Posts: 209 Member
    Welcome to the site! I have a lot more than 50 pounds to lose but you're welcome to add me! :) Good luck!
  • BlahBlahPounds
    Hey ill add you. I am trying to lose 40lbs so we are kinda in the same boat. =]
  • LauraC_NH
    LauraC_NH Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome! I haven't been on long either...but have found it very helpful. I have almost 100 lbs to lose, so feel free to add me if you want.
  • cmoutarimoussa
    cmoutarimoussa Posts: 97 Member
    Hi...welcome to the site..i have been here since May but got serious with it in like June! I have started my weight loss journey in January 2011 and have lost 25lbs so far. I have about 75 more to go! You can add me as a friend if you like!
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    Hi! I'm looking to lose 50 pounds, as well. I just started last week, so I'm getting used to the site. I'd love to have friends to help, encourage and support. I'll add you!
  • bluetinker31
    Feel free to add me...I have loss and gained again due to lack of motivation ...I need to stop loss more plus what I have gain
  • Muthaof4
    I have lost 21 pounds since March and I still have about 50-55 pounds to lose. I've been on the site since the end of May and it has been very helpful. I look forward to sharing with you in the future :-)
  • jessicahelene
    jessicahelene Posts: 77 Member
    I'll add you.. Always looking for people to share encouragement with. I'm 9 lbs into my 40-50 lb weight loss goal.
  • indiva
    indiva Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in! Definitely trying to lose 45-50 pounds.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
  • terryrob2
    terryrob2 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi I've got 50 to 60 count me in this is my second week up here also need more friends here too
  • lexis0911
    Welcome!! I've got 70+ to lose...i sent you a friend request!! Good luck and hopefully we can motivate each other!!
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Hi!! I have a little more than that left to lose. Feel free to add me if you like :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • azparker96
    azparker96 Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome!! I'm a newbie also. I see we're are working toward a common goal. I'm also looking to lose around 40lbs. Feel free to add me.
  • outtanms
    outtanms Posts: 237 Member
    we are in the same boat. I have about 70 to lose. I will send a friend request.
  • outtanms
    outtanms Posts: 237 Member
    we are in the same boat. I have about 70 to lose. I will send a friend request.
  • KatyK17
    KatyK17 Posts: 2 Member
    :smile: Let 's all work together- I would LOVE to lose 50 before my June wedding!
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    Feel free to add me, a newbie and trying to lose 45-50 lbs ... would love to have buddies with common goals, makes journey easier.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    In the same boat myself. Only started this week but hopeful that this forum will help me get there - and keep it off!
  • Tess12513
    Hi there, and welcome! I have about the same amount to lose! I will add you!