Getting back on track

Soooo I did great for a little over a year, lost around 80lbs then of course life decided to throw numerous curve balls...Trying to find the best way to get my mind back where it needs to be. That's what this is all about right?!?! Battle of the mind.


  • erikacobb74
    erikacobb74 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I am 5”3 and 43 and my journey began 4 years ago. I started at 315 lbs. I lost more than 95 lbs in about a year and a half. I tried every diet and I found that the best success for me was eating clean. I could still eat my favorite foods but learned how to prepare it in a more healthier way. I was doing good, but had many obstacles tossed my way which threw me off course, thus gaining back 50 lbs in almost 2 years. I got to the point where I could not stand looking at myself and frustrated that my clothes don’t fit me anymore. So, I decided it was time to get back on track and get my weight down again. I started back on Monday, February 5th and I am using the same plan as before (eating clean). While I know that know I cannot lose the weight overnight, I am determined to eat smarter and workout at least 4 days a week. I am taking it day by day, and trying not to give into temptation. I found that having a support system truly helps. At work, I have a fitness buddy who invited me to go walking at lunch time on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. I look forward to our 30-minute walks because it helps me to stay on track.

    Good luck on your journey, and I am here for support and motivation.
  • erikacobb74
    erikacobb74 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes we all have minor setbacks in life. The good thing is that we do not give up and press forward to try it again, and be mindful of our failure and don’t make the same mistake again. I have tried so many diets, loss a lot of weight, and gained it back faster than I lost it. I learned that not depriving myself and eating with moderation really was part of the ingredients to losing weight and maintaining my weight loss. While I am a little disappointed that some of my weight came back, I didn’t gain it all back this time. Also, I like what you said about exercising encouraged you to eat better. That is so true. I am craving healthy food as a reward for a great workout. Thank you for sharing and giving me encouragement. I will try some of the things you did and see if it works for me too
  • erikacobb74
    erikacobb74 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello and wishing you all the best on your journey to better health! A few years ago, I met with a nutritionist and had only one session. She gave me a meal plan to follow that was really helpful. I changed insurance and she is not contracted with my current plan. My experience wias really great! The nutritionist taught me how to plan my meals and how to eat more healthier meals. I followed her plan and noticed a change. I felt better, I was more centered, and I was eating right. I think if I continued the sessions I would have met my goal weight and would have maintained the weight loss. Since I refuse to beat myself up about my weight gain because it does not change anything, I am going to stay focused and turn to the tools that will help me to reach my goals. Also, I too am doing low intensity workouts this week. I am walking 3-4 times a week. Next week, I will start using the elliptical and some weight training allowing me to alternate. Best to you both and we can do this!
  • franklin5280
    franklin5280 Posts: 80 Member
    Find successful people and get to be their friends.
  • Charlotte318
    Charlotte318 Posts: 37 Member
    Happy Saturday all! We will do this one day at a time.
  • susan121314
    susan121314 Posts: 25 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hi everyone, how is everyone about a year ago my doc put me on phentermine to help lose weight I was on a 1200 calorie intake for a few months then i was to up them every so often till i hit 1800 calories. i was doing good went from 230 down to 165 and was loving the exercise. the doctor took me off the phentermine. well last summer i had to go help my mom so that she could have knee surgery and still things were good i was keeping track of stuff and staying on track. then when i came back home from helping her that is where things went wrong i think a lot of it had to do with the fact that my husband didn't stay on his program and gained all his weight back saying that i was his motivation and since i was not here to motivate him that he couldn't do it. i guess it came across like he was blaming me which he wasn't he just stated that he didn't have motivation to do it. well soon after i losted my motivation and starting gaining weight and since aug 2017 i have gained about 25 lbs back. and now I've been put back on the phentermine for a few months because the doctor doesn't want me to gain anymore weight and i just haven't been able to get my butt back into eating right and doing the right types of exercise. i'll do good with loging and eating good for a few days then i just stop for some reason. i tell myself it's okay lets do one day at a time. so i guess i'm just looking for some friends to talk to i'm not a very social person mainly because where i live there isn't anyone around my age i guess or they all are wrapped up with themselves. but if anyone would like to be friends and help each other on this tough road i could sure use some friends. thanks for reading my long story.